Project was implemented for Hack It Sapiens HACKATHON



The best way to grow a community is to engage with it.DAOs, or Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, are decentralized organizations that operate based on pre-programmed rules encoded on a blockchain. DAOs have the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry by providing a transparent and secure way to manage in-game assets, enable community-driven decision-making, and ensure fairness in gameplay.

  • Managing in-game assets: DAOs can be used to manage in-game assets such as virtual currencies , to stop the reliance on DLCs

  • Community-driven decision-making: DAOs can enable community-driven decision-making in games. For example, players can vote on new game features, in-game events, and even changes to the game's rules.

  • Enabling player-owned economies: DAOs can enable player-owned economies, where players can buy, sell, and trade in-game assets with each other.

What it does and Its Potential:

The tokenomics makes this project standout as it's ability to be in the lines of Gaming Ecosystem, Corparation entity , Devlopers and the main Players and still be preffered by all the sides.Gaming DAOs function as gaming platforms based on open-source codes and are not affiliated with any gaming administrator or operators. Gaming DAOs are communitarian at the core and focus on creating a player-driven gaming ecosystem.

Gaming DAOs have the power to redistribute the ownership of a game in an entire community of various gaming ecosystems. This redistribution occurs among players, game developers, investors and traders. The major revenue for DAOs are recieved by play-to-earn in Web3 gaming. They are revolutionary gaming concepts that compensate players for their gaming participation and success in a game.

It has 2 major part in the Tokenomics aspect as it gives its GameDevlopers to reap their benefit of their loyalties as it will allow them to enjoy staking rewards along with divedends as well that they are liable to.

While the normal player will not be able to get divedends , but is able to push for governance and proposals for in game and even maybe physcical experiences. this involves the ability to express intrest in other polls as well and bond on it as well.


Which uses Pinata and leverages IPFS , to verify whereby communities can provide exclusive access to spaces, events, content, and communities to people who own specific digital assets in their wallet i.e NFTS.

Cross-Chain Asset Transfers

Transfering data across chains can be tricky, but hyperlane solved the issue neatly. Though this issue was made easy, it was quite a learning experience as it was our first time trying to tranfer assests across chains. The docs and the discords channels were a great help.

Who sends the proposal for governance?

At the end of the week we want to push the top proposal on chain. We had to decide whether to push it for governance automatically or allow users to do it at the end of the week themselves. we tried to use chainlink keepers but that wasnt possible due to some deprecation issue

Accomplishments that we're proud of

On running into all the challenges mentioned above, we read relavant articles, documentations and other literature for days, and finally built a working solution!

Cross-chain Asset Transfer

Transfering data, though made simple using hyperlane, is a very powerful tool. We are proud to make use of this to make the platform available across various chains.

Putting proposal metadata on IPFS

Proposal NFT is put on IPFS/ piniata submarine. We decided not to put user comments on chain to save gas fees. even if the implementation didn't make it cross we were supposedly adding a pay to earn games and had a slot machine emodel on.

UI/UX Design

We designed a web solution that is more intuitive to use and interact with for users belonging to both technical and non-technical backgrounds.

Apart from increasing exclusivity it also increases inclusivity between token holders, and allows project creators to grant access to content, events, and merch exclusively to token holders.

Token gating allows token holders to access special rewards. This acts as an honour for Game Devlopers and harbours trust in the community.

How we built it


Hyperlane connects your applications across many blockchains. This allows users to interact with your application from the chain they're on. Reducing the amount of hoops they have to jump through just to get to your app. It's about abstracting away the complexity of navigating between chains, and letting you and your users simply focus on your app.

##HOSTING IT ON REPLIT: worked 3-4 times than suddenly stopped doing so.