
This project contains various Linux scipts.

CentOS: PS1="[\033[31m][\T][\033[34m]\u@ [\033[32m]\w:[\033[0m]$ "
Ubuntu: PS1='\[\033[31m\][\T]\[\033[01;34m\]\u@ \[\033[32m\]\w:\[\033[0m\]$ '

To use ssh behind VPN using a proxy with gitbash and openssh:
Edit "~/.ssh/config" file and add "ProxyCommand /bin/connect.exe -H %h %p"

To add proxy for a specific host only:
Host <custom name>
User <user>
Port 22
Hostname <hostname or ip>
IdentityFile <id_rsa>
TCPKeepAlive yes
IdentitiesOnly yes

Prevent terminal from bell on tab: /etc/inputrc "set bell-style none"
Prevent vim from bell: ~/.vimrc "set visualbell"

New Github token repo setup:

  1. Generate token, if necessary, in settings
  2. Check repo link with git remote -v
  3. Then set git remote set-url origin https://[user]:<MYTOKEN>@[] (Ref: