C# project to create or modify existing LNKs

Primary LanguageC#


Output File Names

  • Will update the .LNK you specify if using -modify
  • Will create payload.lnk if using -create

Usage / Test Cases

  • Modify (will modify .LNK in current directory, only place one!)
    • Modify path to executable, no arguments
      • .\LNKMod.exe -modify -path "C:\Windows\system32\calc.exe"
    • Modify path to executable and arguments
      • .\LNKMod.exe -modify -path "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" -args "/c notepad.exe"
  • Create (will create payload.lnk in current directory, do not have any other .LNK in current directory!)
    • Create .LNK with path to executable, no arguments, and path to icon
      • .\LNKMod.exe -create -path "C:\Windows\system32\calc.exe" -icopath "C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe"
    • Create .LNK with path to executable, arguments, and path to icon
      • .\LNKMod.exe -create -path "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe" -args "/c calc.exe" -icopath "C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe"
    • Sets access/write time to current time and creation time to a (reasonable) random time
  • Dump metadata for a specified .LNK
    • .\LNKMod.exe -dump "C:\Users\John\source\repos\LNKMod\LNKMod\bin\Release\payload.lnk"
  • Dump metadata for a specified .LNK in JSON format
    • .\LNKMod.exe -dumpjson "C:\Users\John\source\repos\LNKMod\LNKMod\bin\Release\payload.lnk"

Potentially Dangerous Metadata

  • CreationTime
  • AccessTime
  • WriteTime
  • DriveSerialNumber
  • KnownFolderID (GUID can be converted to a string can leak usernames)
  • MachineID (NetBIOS name)
