This repository features a collection of various Plugins for the RPG Maker MV.
Feel free to use any of these scripts in any project you'd like, commercial or not doesn't really matter. I'd appreciate a mention of my name somewhere in a credits section, but this isn't necessarily required either.
You can share these plugins anywhere you like, send code files all around, I don't really mind. However, I ask you not to claim any of these plugins as your own creations. Feel free to create modified versions of them, but keep a reference to the original Plugin in there somewhere.
If you find something that doesn't work as it should, may it be the plugin itself or a compatibility issue with other plugins, please create an Issue. Make sure you add the right labels to it and to provide an extensive description of what exactly the issue is and how you managed to cause it. Giving me all the information I need right away will make the process of fixing things much easier and faster for everyone.
You can find a list of all available plugins on the Wiki Page, as well as descriptions of what they do and instructions on how to use them.