We do not endorse the harming of zebras in any way. This "project" is entirely for the humorous purpose of smashing random verbs with the word "zebra."
In 7th grade, my engineering teacher assigned us a quick mental exercise as busywork: list one hundred things you could do with a zebra, with 1% extra credit for each additional one. By the next day, I had printed out my list of 500. Since then, my friends and I have slowly been accumulating more words. This repository contains the list in its entirety, alphabetized for your convenience, of things one could do with a zebra.
Those with some grammatical knowledge may realize that this is really a list of transitive verbs; transitivity is the property of whether or not a verb can take a direct object (here, a zebra).
We currently have 1500 things to do with a zebra! The full list can be found in several formats, including plain text, numbered plain text, markdown, and HTML. If you'd like to contribute, just submit a pull request to add a line at the end of zebra.txt
and sort.py
and format-lists.py
will handle the rest.
- Abandon the zebra
- Abbreviate the zeb.
- Abdicate the zebra
- Abduct the zebra
- Abet the zebra
- Ablate the zebra
- Abolish the zebra
- Abort the zebra
- Abstract the zebra
- Abuse the zebra
- Accelerate the zebra
- Accentuate the zebra
- Access the zebra
- Accidentally the zebra
- Accommodate the zebra
- Accompany the zebra
- Accumulate the zebra
- Accuse the zebra
- Ace the zebra
- Acidify the zebra
- Acknowledge the zebra
- Acquire the zebra
- Acquit the zebra
- Activate the zebra
- Adapt the zebra
- Add the zebra
- Adjust the zebra
- Administrate the zebra
- Admire the zebra
- Admit the zebra
- Adopt the zebra
- Adore the zebra
- Advance the zebra
- Advise the zebra
- Affect the zebra
- Afford the zebra
- Aid the zebra
- Aim the zebra
- Alert the zebra
- Align the zebra
- Allocate the zebra
- Allow the zebra
- Alphabetize eht aberz
- Alter the zebra
- Amass the zebra
- Amend the zebra
- Amplify the zebra
- Amputate the zebra
- Anesthetize the zebra
- Anger the zebra
- Animate the zebra
- Annihilate the zebra
- Annoy the zebra
- Annul the zebra
- Antiquate the zebra
- Appease the zebra
- Applaud the zebra
- Apply the zebra
- Appreciate the zebra
- Archive the zebra
- Arm the zebra
- Arrange the zebra
- Arrest the zebra
- Ascend the zebra
- Asperse the zebra
- Asphyxiate the zebra
- Assassinate the zebra
- Assemble the zebra
- Assess the zebra
- Assign the zebra
- Assimilate the zebra
- Assist the zebra
- Associate the zebra
- Atomize the zebra
- Attach the zebra
- Attenuate the zebra
- Attest the zebra
- Authenticate the zebra
- Authorize the zebra
- Autograph the zebra
- Avenge the zebra
- Average the zebra
- Avow the zebra
- Await the zebra
- Awaken the zebra
- Back up the zebra
- Backup the zebra
- Baffle the zebra
- Bait the zebra
- Bake the zebra
- Balance the zebra
- Ban the zebra
- Banish the zebra
- Bankrupt the zebra
- Baptize the zebra
- Bathe the zebra
- Battle the zebra
- Be the zebra
- Beam the zebra up
- Bear the zebra
- Beat the zebra
- Become the zebra
- Bedazzle the zebra
- Befriend the zebra
- Bejewel the zebra
- Believe in the zebra
- Belittle the zebra
- Berate the zebra
- Bestow the zebra
- Bet the zebra
- Betray the zebra
- Bewitch the zebra
- Bifurcate the zebra
- Bind the zebra
- Birth the zebra
- Bisect the zebra
- Bite the zebra
- Blacklist the zebra
- Blackmail the zebra
- Blame the zebra
- Blast the zebra
- Blend the zebra
- Blind the zebra
- Blunt the zebra
- Boil the zebra
- Bomb the zebra
- Bombard the zebra
- Bore the zebra
- Borrow the zebra
- Bounce the zebra
- Box the zebra
- Brace the zebra
- Bracket [the zebra]
- Braid the zebra
- Brainwash the zebra
- Breach the zebra
- Break the zebra
- Breathe on the zebra
- Breed the zebra
- Bribe the zebra
- Brief the zebra
- Brighten the zebra
- Bring the zebra
- Broaden the zebra
- Broil the zebra
- Bruise the zebra
- Brush the zebra
- Buff the zebra
- Buffalo the zebra
- Build the zebra
- Bully the zebra
- Burn the zebra
- Bury the zebra
- Bust the zebra
- Buy the zebra
- Cage the zebra
- Calculate the zebra
- Calibrate the zebra
- Call the zebra
- Calm the zebra
- Cancel the zebra
- Cap the zebra
- Capitalize The Zebra
- Capture the zebra
- Caramelize the zebra
- Carbonate the zebra
- Care for the zebra
- Caress the zebra
- Carry the zebra
- Cart the zebra
- Carve the zebra
- Cast the zebra
- Catalog the zebra
- Categorize the zebra
- Cater the zebra
- Cause the zebra
- Celebrate the zebra
- Censor the zebra
- Censure the zebra
- Center the zebra
- Chain the zebra
- Challenge the zebra
- Champion the zebra
- Change the zebra
- Channel the zebra
- Char the zebra
- Charge the zebra
- Chase the zebra
- Cheapen the zebra
- Check the zebra
- Checkmate the zebra
- Chew the zebra
- Choke the zebra
- Chomp on the zebra
- Circumnavigate the zebra
- Cite the zebra
- Clarify the zebra
- Classify the zebra
- Clean the zebra
- Cleanse the zebra
- Clear the zebra
- Climb the zebra
- Cloak the zebra
- Clog the zebra
- Clone the zebra
- Close the zebra
- Clothe the zebra
- Coagulate the zebra
- Coalesce the zebra
- Coat the zebra
- Code the zebra
- Collapse the zebra
- Collect the zebra
- Collide the zebra
- Colonize the zebra
- Color the zebra
- Combine the zebra
- Commend the zebra
- Commit the zebra
- Communize the zebra
- Compel the zebra
- Compile the zebra
- Complete the zebra
- Compliment the zebra
- Compose the zebra
- Compress the zebra
- Compute the zebra
- Conceptualize the zebra
- Concern the zebra
- Condemn the zebra
- Condense the zebra
- Configure the zebra
- Confirm the zebra
- Confound the zebra
- Confront the zebra
- Confuse the zebra
- Conglomerate the zebra
- Congratulate the zebra
- Congregate the zebra
- Conjugate the zebra
- Conjure the zebra
- Connect the zebra
- Consecrate the zebra
- Consign the zebra
- Construct the zebra
- Consume the zebra
- Contain the zebra
- Contemplate the zebra
- Contort the zebra
- Control the zebra
- Convert the zebra
- Convict the zebra
- Convince the zebra
- Cook the zebra
- Cool the zebra
- Copy the zebra
- Copyright the zebra
- Correct the zebra
- Corrode the zebra
- Corrupt the zebra
- Count the zebra
- Counter the zebra
- Countermand the zebra
- Couple the zebra
- Cover the zebra
- Crash the zebra
- Crate the zebra
- Cream the zebra
- Create the zebra
- Cripple the zebra
- Criticize the zebra
- Crochet the zebra
- Cross the zebra
- Cross-pollinate the zebra
- Crown the zebra
- Crucify the zebra
- Crush the zebra
- Crystallize the zebra
- Cube the zebra
- Cuddle the zebra
- Cue the zebra
- Curb the zebra
- Cure the zebra
- Curl the zebra
- Cut the zebra
- Damage the zebra
- Dampen the zebra
- Dangle the zebra
- Dare the zebra
- Darken the zebra
- Deactivate the zebra
- Deal the zebra
- Debase the zebra
- Debrief the zebra
- Debuff the zebra
- Debug the zebra
- Decapitate the zebra
- Deceive the zebra
- Decelerate the zebra
- Decimate the zebra
- Decline the zebra
- Decode the zebra
- Decompile the zebra
- Decompress the zebra
- Deconstruct the zebra
- Decorate the zebra
- Decrement the zebra
- Deep-fry the zebra
- Defame the zebra
- Defeat the zebra
- Defend the zebra
- Defenestrate the zebra
- Defile the zebra
- Define the zebra
- Deflate the zebra
- Deflect the zebra
- Deform the zebra
- Defrag the zebra
- Defrost the zebra
- Defy the zebra
- Degenerate the zebra
- Degrade the zebra
- Dehydrate the zebra
- Deify the zebra
- Delay the zebra
- Delete the zebra
- Delight the zebra
- Deliver the zebra
- Demand the zebra
- Dematerialize the zebra
- Demean the zebra
- Demolish the zebra
- Demonetize the zebra
- Demonize the zebra
- Demoralize the zebra
- Demote the zebra
- Demotivate the zebra
- Denigrate the zebra
- Dent the zebra
- Deny the zebra
- Deobfuscate the zebra
- Deodorize the zebra
- Depict the zebra
- Depilate the zebra
- Deploy the zebra
- Deprecate the zebra
- Depressurize the zebra
- Deprive the zebra
- Deprogram the zebra
- Deprotonate the zebra
- Deregulate the zebra
- Derogate the zebra
- Descend the zebra
- Describe the zebra
- Design the zebra
- Despise the zebra
- Destroy the zebra
- Desynchronize the zebra
- Detach the zebra
- Detail the zebra
- Deteriorate the zebra
- Detest the zebra
- Detonate the zebra
- Devalue the zebra
- Develop the zebra
- Devitalize the zebra
- Dictate the zebra
- Die in the zebra
- Differentiate the zebra
- Digest the zebra
- Digitalize the zebra
- Dilapidate the zebra
- Dilate the zebra
- Dilute the zebra
- Dip the zebra
- Disable the zebra
- Disallow the zebra
- Disassemble the zebra
- Disavow the zebra
- Discharge the zebra
- Discolor the zebra
- Discombobulate the zebra
- Disconnect the zebra
- Discount the zebra
- Disembark from the zebra
- Disembowel the zebra
- Disenfranchise the zebra
- Disentangle the zebra
- Disestablish the zebra
- Disguise the zebra
- Dishearten the zebra
- Disincentivize the zebra
- Disinfect the zebra
- Disintegrate the zebra
- Dislike the zebra
- Dismember the zebra
- Disown the zebra
- Disparage the zebra
- Display the zebra
- Dispute the zebra
- Disregard the zebra
- Disrupt the zebra
- Dissect the zebra
- Dissemble the zebra
- Dissociate the zebra
- Dissolve the zebra
- Distinguish the zebra
- Distort the zebra
- Distribute the zebra
- Ditch the zebra
- Divest the zebra
- Divide the zebra
- Divorce the zebra
- Do the zebra
- Dominate the zebra
- Doom the zebra
- Double the zebra zebra
- Downgrade the zebra
- Download the zebra
- Downsample the zebra
- Draft the zebra
- Drag the zebra
- Drain the zebra
- Draw the zebra
- Dress the zebra
- Drill the zebra
- Drink the zebra
- Drive the zebra
- Drop the zebra
- Drown the zebra
- Drug the zebra
- Dry the zebra
- Duct the zebra
- Duel the zebra
- Dull the zebra
- Dunk the zebra
- Dupe the zebra
- Duplicate the zebra zebra
- Dust the zebra
- Dye the zebra
- Earn the zebra
- Eat the zebra
- Echo the zebra
- Eclipse the zebra
- Edit the zebra
- Educate the zebra
- Eject the zebra
- Elaborate the zebra
- Elbow the zebra
- Elect the zebra
- Electrify the zebra
- Electrocute the zebra
- Elevate the zebra
- Eliminate the zebra
- Elongate the zebra
- Email the zebra
- Emancipate the zebra
- Embarrass the zebra
- Embed the zebra
- Embellish the zebra
- Emblazon the zebra
- Embody the zebra
- Enbolden the zebra
- Embroider the zebra
- Employ the zebra
- Empty the zebra
- Enable the zebra
- Enact the zebra
- Encode the zebra
- Encounter the zebra
- Encourage the zebra
- End the zebra
- Endanger the zebra
- Endure the zebra
- Energize the zebra
- Engineer the zebra
- Enlist the zebra
- Enroll the zebra
- Enslave the zebra
- Ensnare the zebra
- Entangle the zebra
- Enter the zebra
- Entertain the zebra
- Enthuse the zebra
- Entomb the zebra
- Entrance the zebra
- Entrust the zebra
- Enumerate the zebra
- Envision the zebra
- Equalize the zebra
- Equilibrate the zebra
- Equip the zebra
- Eradicate the zebra
- Erase the zebra
- Escalate the zebra
- Escape the zebra
- Escort the zebra
- Establish the zebra
- Estimate the zebra
- Eulogize the zebra
- Evaluate the zebra
- Evict the zebra
- Eviscerate the zebra
- Exact the zebra
- Exaggerate the zebra
- Examine the zebra
- Excavate the zebra
- Excite the zebra
- Exclude the zebra
- Excommunicate the zebra
- Excuse the zebra
- Execute the zebra
- Exfoliate the zebra
- Exhale the zebra
- Exhaust the zebra
- Exhilarate the zebra
- Exhort the zebra
- Exhume the zebra
- Exit the zebra
- Exorcize the zebra
- Expand the zebra
- Expect the zebra
- Expel the zebra
- Expend the zebra
- Explain the zebra
- Explode the zebra
- Exploit the zebra
- Exponentiate the zebra
- Export the zebra
- Expose the zebra
- Express the zebra
- Extend the zebra
- Exterminate the zebra
- Extinguish the zebra
- Extol the zebra
- Extort the zebra
- Extract the zebra
- Extrapolate the zebra
- Extricate the zebra
- Eye the zebra
- Eyeball the zebra
- Face the zebra
- Factor the zebra
- Fade the zebra
- Fail the zebra
- Fascinate the zebra
- Fasten the zebra
- Fatten the zebra
- Fax the zebra
- Fear the zebra
- Fearmonger the zebra
- Feed the zebra
- Feel the zebra
- Fell the zebra
- Feminize the zebra
- Fence the zebra
- Ferment the zebra
- Fetch the zebra
- Figure the zebra
- Filibuster the zebra
- Fill the zebra
- Film the zebra
- Finagle the zebra
- Finalize the zebra
- Find the zebra
- Fine-tune the zebra
- Finesse the zebra
- Finish the zebra
- Fire the zebra
- Fit the zebra
- Fix the zebra
- Flag the zebra
- Flame the zebra
- Flatten the zebra
- Flavor the zebra
- Flick the zebra
- Flip ɐɹqǝz ǝɥʇ
- Float the zebra
- Floccinaucinihilipilificate the zebra
- Floor the zebra
- Floss the zebra
- Flout the zebra
- Fly the zebra
- Focus the zebra
- Fold the zebra
- Follow the zebra
- Fool the zebra
- Force-feed the zebra
- Forge the zebra
- Forget the zebra
- Form the zebra
- Format the zebra
- Formulate the zebra
- Fortify the zebra
- Fossilize the zebra
- Fracture the zebra
- Frag the zebra
- Frame the zebra
- Free the zebra
- Freeze the zebra
- Freshen the zebra
- Friend-zone the zebra
- Frown at the zebra
- Frustrate the zebra
- Fry the zebra
- Fuel the zebra
- Fuse the zebra
- Galvanize the zebra
- Gamble the zebra
- Gank the zebra
- Garrison the zebra
- Gather the zebra
- Gelatinize the zebra
- Generate the zebra
- Get a real zebra
- Give the zebra
- Glaze the zebra
- Glitch the zebra
- Globalize the zebra
- Glorify the zebra
- Glue the zebra
- Google "the zebra"
- Grab the zebra
- Grade the zebra
- Graduate the zebra
- Graft the zebra
- Graph the zebra
- grep "the zebra"
- Grill the zebra
- Grind the zebra
- Groom the zebra
- Ground the zebra
- Group the zebra
- Grow the zebra
- Guesstimate the zebra
- Guide the zebra
- Hack the zebra
- Hail the zebra
- Hallow the zebra
- Halt the zebra
- Halve the zebra
- Hammer the zebra
- Hand the zebra
- Handcuff the zebra
- Handle the zebra
- Hang the zebra
- Harm the zebra
- Harness the zebra
- Hate the zebra
- Have the zebra
- Heal the zebra
- Hear the zebra
- Heat the zebra
- Hem the zebra
- Herd the zebra
- Hide the zebra
- High-five the zebra
- Hire the zebra
- Hold the zebra
- Hollow the zebra
- Hug the zebra
- Humble the zebra
- Humiliate the zebra
- Humor the zebra
- Hunt the zebra
- Hurt the zebra
- Hush the zebra
- Hydrate the zebra
- Hydrogenate the zebra
- Hyphenate the zebra
- Hypnotize the zebra
- Hypothesize the zebra
- Idealize the zebra
- Identify the zebra
- Idolize the zebra
- Ignite the zebra
- Illuminate the zebra
- Imagine the zebra
- Imbue the zebra
- Immerse the zebra
- Immobilize the zebra
- Impeach the zebra
- Implode the zebra
- Import the zebra
- Impose the zebra
- Impress the zebra
- Imprison the zebra
- Improve the zebra
- Incentivize the zebra
- Incinerate the zebra
- Incline the zebra
- Include the zebra
- Incorporate the zebra
- Increase the zebra
- Increment the zebra
- Inculcate the zebra
- Individuate the zebra
- Indoctrinate the zebra
- Induce the zebra
- Infantilize the zebra
- Infect the zebra
- Inflame the zebra
- Inflate the zebra
- Inflict the zebra
- Infuse the zebra
- Inhabit the zebra
- Inhale the zebra
- Inhibit the zebra
- Initialize the zebra
- Initiate the zebra
- Inject the zebra
- Innovate the zebra
- Inoculate the zebra
- Inspect the zebra
- Inspire the zebra
- Install the zebra
- Instill the zebra
- Instruct the zebra
- Insult the zebra
- Integrate the zebra
- Intensify the zebra
- Intercept the zebra
- Interconnect the zebra
- Interlock the zebra
- Intern the zebra
- Interpret the zebra
- Interrogate the zebra
- Interview the zebra
- Intoxicate the zebra
- Intuit the zebra
- Invalidate the zebra
- Invent the zebra
- Invert the zebra
- Invest the zebra
- Investigate the zebra
- Invigorate the zebra
- Invite the zebra
- Invoke the zebra
- Ionize the zebra
- Irradiate the zebra
- Irritate the zebra
- Italicize the zebra
- Itemize the zebra
- Iterate the zebra
- Jail the zebra
- Jam the zebra
- Jangle the zebra
- Join the zebra
- Jolt the zebra
- Judge the zebra
- Juggle the zebra
- Juice the zebra
- Justify the zebra
- Karyotype the zebra
- Kebab the zebra
- Kick the zebra
- Kidnap the zebra
- Kill the zebra
- Kiss the zebra
- Knee the zebra
- Knit the zebra
- Label the zebra
- Laminate the zebra
- Lance the zebra
- Land the zebra
- Lapidate the zebra
- Latch the zebra
- Laud the zebra
- Launch the zebra
- Lean the zebra
- Lease the zebra
- Leave the zebra
- Legalize the zebra
- Lend the zebra
- Lengthen the zebra
- Lessen the zebra
- Liberate the zebra
- License the zebra
- Lick the zebra
- Lift the zebra
- Light the zebra
- Lighten the zebra
- Like the zebra
- Liquefy the zebra
- Liquidate the zebra
- List the zebra
- Litigate the zebra
- Load the zebra
- Localize the zebra
- Locate the zebra
- Lock the zebra
- Lose the zebra
- Love the zebra
- Lower the zebra
- Lowercase the zebra
- Macerate the zebra
- Madden the zebra
- Magnetize the zebra
- Magnify the zebra
- Mail the zebra
- Maim the zebra
- Maintain the zebra
- Make the zebra
- Make the zebra great again
- Malign the zebra
- Man the zebra
- Manage the zebra
- Mandate the zebra
- Manifest the zebra
- Manipulate the zebra
- March with the zebra
- Marinate the zebra
- Mark the zebra
- Marry the zebra
- Masculinize the zebra
- Mass the zebra
- Mass-produce the zebra
- Massacre the zebra
- Massage the zebra
- Masticate the zebra
- Match the zebra
- Materialize the zebra
- Maul the zebra
- Maximize the zebra
- Measure the zebra
- Meet the zebra
- Melt the zebra
- Mend the zebra
- Merge the zebra
- Mimic the zebra
- Mind the zebra
- Mine the zebra
- Miniaturize the zebra
- Minify the zebra
- Minimize the zebra
- Mirror the zebra
- Misinterpret the zebra
- Misjudge the zebra
- Misplace the zebra
- Miss the zebra
- Misspell the zeebruh
- Mix the zebra
- Model the zebra
- Moderate the zebra
- Modify the zebra
- Modularize the zebra
- Modulate the zebra
- Moisten the zebra
- Mold the zebra
- Monetize the zebra
- Monitor the zebra
- Morph the zebra
- Motivate the zebra
- Mourn the zebra
- Move the zebra
- Mow the zebra
- Multiply the zebra
- Mummify the zebra
- Murder the zebra
- Mutate the zebra
- Mystify the zebra
- Nail the zebra
- Name the zebra
- Narrate the zebra
- Narrow the zebra
- Naturalize the zebra
- Need the zebra
- Negate the zebra
- Nerf the zebra
- Nickname the Zeeb
- Nudge the zebra
- Nuke the zebra
- Nullify the zebra
- Number the zebra
- Obey the zebra
- Obfuscate the zebra
- Obliterate the zebra
- Observe the zebra
- Obtain the zebra
- Offend the zebra
- Offer the zebra
- Operate the zebra
- Optimize the zebra
- Organize the zebra
- Orientate the zebra
- Outclass the zebra
- Outdo the zebra
- Outfox the zebra
- Outlaw the zebra
- Outline the zebra
- Outrun the zebra
- Outsmart the zebra
- Outwit the zebra
- Overcook the zebra
- Overdesign the zebra
- Overengineer the zebra
- Overestimate the zebra
- Overheat the zebra
- Overload the zebra
- Overprice the zebra
- Overrate the zebra
- Overrule the zebra
- Oversimplify the zebra
- Overthrow the zebra
- Overtrain the zebra
- Overturn the zebra
- Overuse the zebra
- Overwhelm the zebra
- Overwork the zebra
- Own the zebra
- Oxidize the zebra
- Oxygenate the zebra
- Pack the zebra
- Package the zebra
- Paddle the zebra
- Paint the zebra
- Palpate the zebra
- Pamper the zebra
- Panic the zebra
- Parenthesize (the zebra)
- Park the zebra
- Particularize the zebra
- Pass the zebra
- Paste the zebra
- Pay the zebra
- Peel the zebra
- Pepper the zebra
- Perform the zebra
- Perplex the zebra
- Persuade the zebra
- Peruse the zebra
- Pet the zebra
- Petrify the zebra
- Photograph the zebra
- Pick the zebra
- Pickle the zebra
- Pilot the zebra
- Pin the zebra
- Pinch the zebra
- Ping the zebra
- Pinpoint the zebra
- Pitch the zebra
- Pixelate the zebra
- Place the zebra
- Plan the zebra
- Plant the zebra
- Play the zebra
- Plead the zebra
- Plow the zebra
- Plug the zebra
- Pluralize the zebra
- Poison the zebra
- Poke the zebra
- Polarize the zebra
- Polish the zebra
- Pollinate the zebra
- Pop the zebra
- Portray the zebra
- Post the zebra
- Pour the zebra
- Practice the zebra
- Praise the zebra
- Precompile the zebra
- Predict the zebra
- Preprocess the zebra
- Preprogram the zebra
- Prescribe the zebra
- Preserve the zebra
- Pressurize the zebra
- Prettify the zebra
- Preview the zebra
- Price the zebra
- Print the zebra
- Privatize the zebra
- Probe the zebra
- Process the zebra
- Prod the zebra
- Profile the zebra
- Program the zebra
- Proliferate the zebra
- Promote the zebra
- Proofread the zebra
- Propel the zebra
- Propose the zebra
- Prorate the zebra
- Protect the zebra
- Protonate the zebra
- Provide the zebra
- Prune the zebra
- Pull the zebra
- Pulverize the zebra
- Punch the zebra
- Puncture the zebra
- Punt the zebra
- Purchase the zebra
- Puzzle the zebra
- Pwn the zebra
- Quadruple the zebra
- Qualify the zebra
- Quantize the zebra
- Quash the zebra
- Quench the zebra
- Query the zebra
- Question the zebra
- Queue the zebra
- Quicken the zebra
- Quiet the zebra
- Quintuple the zebra
- Quiz the zebra
- Quote the zebra
- Race the zebra
- Radio the zebra
- Raid the zebra
- Raise the zebra
- Randomize the zebra
- Rap the zebra
- Rate the zebra
- Rattle the zebra
- Raze the zebra
- Re-equip the zebra
- Reactivate the zebra
- Read the zebra
- Ready the zebra
- Realign the zebra
- Reanimate the zebra
- Reap the zebra
- Reassemble the zebra
- Reattach the zebra
- Reboot the zebra
- Rebuff the zebra
- Rebuild the zebra
- Recall the zebra
- Recapitalize The Zebra
- Recapitulate the zebra
- Reciprocate the zebra
- Recolor the zebra
- Recombine the zebra
- Recommend the zebra
- Recompile the zebra
- Reconfigure the zebra
- Reconnect the zebra
- Reconstruct the zebra
- Record the zebra
- Recount the zebra
- Recover the zebra
- Recreate the zebra
- Recruit the zebra
- Recuse the zebra
- Recycle the zebra
- Redact the zebra
- Redesign the zebra
- Redistribute the zebra
- Redo the zebra
- Redownload the zebra
- Reduce the zebra
- Reelect the zebra
- Reestablish the zebra
- Reference the zebra
- Refit the zebra
- Reflect the zebra
- Reforge the zebra
- Reform the zebra
- Reformat the zebra
- Refresh the zebra
- Refrigerate the zebra
- Refuse the zebra
- Regenerate the zebra
- Regret the zebra
- Regroup the zebra
- Regrow the zebra
- Regulate the zebra
- Regurgitate the zebra
- Reimagine the zebra
- Reinspire the zebra
- Reinterpret the zebra
- Reinvent the zebra
- Rejoin the zebra
- Rejuvenate the zebra
- Release the zebra
- Reload the zebra
- Relocate the zebra
- Rely on the zebra
- Remake the zebra
- Remarry the zebra
- Remember the zebra
- Remix the zebra
- Remold the zebra
- Remove the zebra
- Remunerate the zebra
- Rename the zebra
- Rend the zebra
- Renovate the zebra
- Rent the zebra
- Reorganize the zebra
- Repaint the zebra
- Repair the zebra
- Repeal the zebra
- Repeat the zebra
- Replace the zebra
- Replant the zebra
- Replay the zebra
- Replenish the zebra
- Replicate the zebra
- Report the zebra
- Repress the zebra
- Reprimand the zebra
- Reprocess the zebra
- Reprogram the zebra
- Repudiate the zebra
- Repurpose the zebra
- Request the zebra
- Require the zebra
- Rescind the zebra
- Rescue the zebra
- Research the zebra
- Resend the zebra
- Resize the zebra
- Rest the zebra
- Restart the zebra
- Restore the zebra
- Resupply the zebra
- Resurrect the zebra
- Resuscitate the zebra
- Rethink the zebra
- Retract the zebra
- Return the zebra
- Reunite the zebra
- Reuse the zebra
- Rev the zebra
- Revere the zebra
- Reverse eht arbez
- Revert the zebra
- Review the zebra
- Revise the zebra
- Revitalize the zebra
- Revive the zebra
- Revoke the zebra
- Revolutionize the zebra
- Revolve the zebra
- Reward the zebra
- Rewind the zebra
- Riddle the zebra
- Ride the zebra
- Rig the zebra
- Right the zebra
- Ring the zebra
- Ripen the zebra
- Risk the zebra
- Roast the zebra
- Robe the zebra
- Rock the zebra
- Rocket the zebra
- Roll the zebra
- Romanticize the zebra
- Root the zebra
- Rotate the zebra
- Rouse the zebra
- Rub the zebra
- Run the zebra
- Rupture the zebra
- Rush the zebra
- Rustle the zebra
- Sack the zebra
- Sacrifice the zebra
- Sadden the zebra
- Sail the zebra
- Salt the zebra
- Salute the zebra
- Sample the zebra
- Sanctify the zebra
- Satiate the zebra
- Sauté the zebra
- Save the zebra
- Saw the zebra
- Say "the zebra"
- Scale the zebra
- Scan the zebra
- Scatter the zebra
- Schedule the zebra
- Score the zebra
- Scramble the barze
- Scrap the zebra
- Scratch the zebra
- Screen the zebra
- Screw in the zebra
- Script the zebra
- Scrutinize the zebra
- Seal the zebra
- Search the zebra
- Season the zebra
- Seat the zebra
- Secure the zebra
- Seduce the zebra
- See the zebra
- Segment the zebra
- Segregate the zebra
- Seize the zebra
- Select the zebra
- Sell the zebra
- Send the zebra
- Separate the zebra
- Serialize the zebra
- Settle the zebra
- Sever the zebra
- Sew the zebra
- Shackle the zebra
- Shade the zebra
- Shake the zebra
- Shame the zebra
- Share the zebra
- Sharpen the zebra
- Shatter the zebra
- Shave the zebra
- Shellac the zebra
- Shift the zebra
- Shine the zebra
- Ship the zebra
- Shock the zebra
- Shoot the zebra
- Shorten the zebra
- Shower the zebra
- Shred the zebra
- Shrink the zebra
- Shroud the zebra
- Shut the zebra
- Sicken the zebra
- Sight the zebra
- Sign the zebra
- Simplify the zebra
- Simulate the zebra
- Sing "the zebra"
- Sink the zebra
- Siphon the zebra
- Sketch the zebra
- Skip the zebra
- Skype the zebra
- Slam the zebra
- Slander the zebra
- Slant the zebra
- Slap the zebra
- Slay the zebra
- Slice the zebra
- Slide the zebra
- Slight the zebra
- Slip the zebra
- Slow the zebra
- Smack the zebra
- Smash the zebra
- Smell the zebra
- Smelt the zebra
- Smother the zebra
- Snipe the zebra
- Snub the zebra
- Soak the zebra
- Sober the zebra
- Socialize the zebra
- Soften the zebra
- Solve the zebra
- Souse the zebra
- Sow the zebra
- Space t h e z e b r a
- Spaghettify the zebra
- Spear the zebra
- Specify the zebra
- Spell "the zebra"
- Spew the zebra
- Spice the zebra
- Spill the zebra
- Spin the zebra
- Splash the zebra
- Split the ze bra
- Sport the zebra
- Spot the zebra
- Spure the zebra
- Spurn the zebra
- Square the zebra
- Squash the zebra
- Squeeze the zebra
- Stab the zebra
- Stake the zebra
- Stalk the zebra
- Stamp the zebra
- Staple the zebra
- Start the zebra
- Startle the zebra
- Starve the zebra
- Steal the zebra
- Steer the zebra
- Stick the zebra
- Stiffen the zebra
- Stifle the zebra
- Stigmatize the zebra
- Stimulate the zebra
- Stipulate the zebra
- Stir the zebra
- Stitch the zebra
- Stomp on the zebra
- Store the zebra
- Storm the zebra
- Straighten the zebra
- Strangle the zebra
- Stratify the zebra
- Strengthen the zebra
- Stretch the zebra
- Strike
the zebra - Study the zebra
- Stuff the zebra
- Stun the zebra
- Style the zebra
- Subdue the zebra
- Subjugate the zebra
- Sublease the zebra
- Sublet the zebra
- Submerge the zebra
- Subscript the zebra
- Substitute the zebra
- Subsume the zebra
- Sue the zebra
- Suffocate the zebra
- Suggest the zebra
- Summarize the zebra
- Summon the zebra
- Sunburn the zebra
- Sunscreen the zebra
- Superscript the zebra
- Supervise the zebra
- Supply the zebra
- Support the zebra
- Suppress the zebra
- Surge the zebra
- Surgically alter the zebra
- Surpass the zebra
- Surround the zebra
- Suspend the zebra
- Swarm the zebra
- Sweeten the zebra
- Swindle the zebra
- Swing the zebra
- Swipe the zebra
- Switch the zebra
- Symbolize the zebra
- Synchronize the zebra
- Synthesize the zebra
- Systematize the zebra
- Tabulate the zebra
- Tag the zebra
- Tailor the zebra
- Taint the zebra
- Take the zebra
- Tame the zebra
- Tangle the zebra
- Tape the zebra
- Taste the zebra
- Tattoo the zebra
- Taunt the zebra
- Tax the zebra
- Teach the zebra
- Tease the zebra
- Teleport the zebra
- Tell the zebra
- Terminate the zebra
- Test the zebra
- Text the zebra
- Thaw the zebra
- Theorize the zebra
- Thrill the zebra
- Throw the zebra
- Thwack the zebra
- Tickle the zebra
- Tie the zebra
- Tile the zebra
- Time the zebra
- Tip the zebra
- Titrate the zebra
- Toast the zebra
- Torture the zebra
- Toss the zebra
- Toughen the zebra
- Trace the zebra
- Track the zebra
- Trade the zebra
- Traffic the zebra
- Trail the zebra
- Train the zebra
- Tranquilize the zebra
- Transform the zebra
- Translate the zebra
- Transmit the zebra
- Transmogrify the zebra
- Transmute the zebra
- Transport the zebra
- Traumatize the zebra
- Treat the zebra
- Triple the zebra zebra zebra
- Triplicate the zebra zebra zebra
- Trisect the zebra
- Trump the zebra
- Trust the zebra
- Truts the zebra
- Try the zebra
- Tug the zebra
- Tune the zebra
- Turn the zebra
- Tweet the zebra
- Twist the zebra
- Type "the zebra"
- Unbalance the zebra
- Unchain the zebra
- Unclog the zebra
- Uncrate the zebra
- Underestimate the zebra
- Underline the zebra
- Underrate the zebra
- Undo the zebra
- Undress the zebra
- Unearth the zebra
- Unfold the zebra
- Unify the zebra
- Uninstall the zebra
- Unite the zebra
- Unload the zebra
- Unlock the zebra
- Unmark the zebra
- Unpack the zebra
- Unpin the zebra
- Unplug the zebra
- Unsettle the zebra
- Untie the zebra
- Unveil the zebra
- Unzip the zebra
- Update the zebra
- Upgrade the zebra
- Upload the zebra
- Uppercase THE ZEBRA
- Urge the zebra
- Use the zebra
- Vacuum the zebra
- Validate the zebra
- Value the zebra
- Vandalize the zebra
- Vaporize the zebra
- Veil the zebra
- Vent the zebra
- Verbificate the zebrafication
- Verify the zebra
- Veto the zebra
- Vex the zebra
- Vibrate the zebra
- View the zebra
- Vilify the zebra
- Vilipend the zebra
- Vindicate the zebra
- Violate the zebra
- Viscerate the zebra
- Visualize the zebra
- Vitalize the zebra
- Vituperate the zebra
- Void the zebra
- Vomit the zebra
- Want the zebra
- War the zebra
- Warn the zebra
- Warp the zebra
- Wash the zebra
- Watch the zebra
- Wave the zebra
- Weaken the zebra
- Weaponize the zebra
- Wear the zebra
- Weigh the zebra
- Weight the zebra
- Weird the zebra
- Weld the zebra
- Whack the zebra
- Whirl the zebra
- Whitelist the zebra
- Whiten the zebra
- Whittle the zebra
- Win the zebra
- Wind the zebra
- Wipe the zebra
- Wire the zebra
- Withdraw the zebra
- Work the zebra
- Worship the zebra
- Wound the zebra
- Wrangle the zebra
- Wrap the zebra
- Wreck the zebra
- Wrestle the zebra
- Write "the zebra"
- Wrong the zebra
- X-ray the zebra
- Xerox the zebra
- Yank the zebra
- Yield the zebra
- Zap the zebra
- Zero the zebra
- Zip the zebra