
Doing things to zebras since 2012

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The Zebra Project

We do not endorse the harming of zebras in any way. This "project" is entirely for the humorous purpose of smashing random verbs with the word "zebra."

In 7th grade, my engineering teacher assigned us a quick mental exercise as busywork: list one hundred things you could do with a zebra, with 1% extra credit for each additional one. By the next day, I had printed out my list of 500. Since then, my friends and I have slowly been accumulating more words. This repository contains the list in its entirety, alphabetized for your convenience, of things one could do with a zebra.

Those with some grammatical knowledge may realize that this is really a list of transitive verbs; transitivity is the property of whether or not a verb can take a direct object (here, a zebra).

We currently have 1500 things to do with a zebra! The full list can be found in several formats, including plain text, numbered plain text, markdown, and HTML. If you'd like to contribute, just submit a pull request to add a line at the end of zebra.txt and sort.py and format-lists.py will handle the rest.

The List

  1. Abandon the zebra
  2. Abbreviate the zeb.
  3. Abdicate the zebra
  4. Abduct the zebra
  5. Abet the zebra
  6. Ablate the zebra
  7. Abolish the zebra
  8. Abort the zebra
  9. Abstract the zebra
  10. Abuse the zebra
  11. Accelerate the zebra
  12. Accentuate the zebra
  13. Access the zebra
  14. Accidentally the zebra
  15. Accommodate the zebra
  16. Accompany the zebra
  17. Accumulate the zebra
  18. Accuse the zebra
  19. Ace the zebra
  20. Acidify the zebra
  21. Acknowledge the zebra
  22. Acquire the zebra
  23. Acquit the zebra
  24. Activate the zebra
  25. Adapt the zebra
  26. Add the zebra
  27. Adjust the zebra
  28. Administrate the zebra
  29. Admire the zebra
  30. Admit the zebra
  31. Adopt the zebra
  32. Adore the zebra
  33. Advance the zebra
  34. Advise the zebra
  35. Affect the zebra
  36. Afford the zebra
  37. Aid the zebra
  38. Aim the zebra
  39. Alert the zebra
  40. Align the zebra
  41. Allocate the zebra
  42. Allow the zebra
  43. Alphabetize eht aberz
  44. Alter the zebra
  45. Amass the zebra
  46. Amend the zebra
  47. Amplify the zebra
  48. Amputate the zebra
  49. Anesthetize the zebra
  50. Anger the zebra
  51. Animate the zebra
  52. Annihilate the zebra
  53. Annoy the zebra
  54. Annul the zebra
  55. Antiquate the zebra
  56. Appease the zebra
  57. Applaud the zebra
  58. Apply the zebra
  59. Appreciate the zebra
  60. Archive the zebra
  61. Arm the zebra
  62. Arrange the zebra
  63. Arrest the zebra
  64. Ascend the zebra
  65. Asperse the zebra
  66. Asphyxiate the zebra
  67. Assassinate the zebra
  68. Assemble the zebra
  69. Assess the zebra
  70. Assign the zebra
  71. Assimilate the zebra
  72. Assist the zebra
  73. Associate the zebra
  74. Atomize the zebra
  75. Attach the zebra
  76. Attenuate the zebra
  77. Attest the zebra
  78. Authenticate the zebra
  79. Authorize the zebra
  80. Autograph the zebra
  81. Avenge the zebra
  82. Average the zebra
  83. Avow the zebra
  84. Await the zebra
  85. Awaken the zebra
  86. Back up the zebra
  87. Backup the zebra
  88. Baffle the zebra
  89. Bait the zebra
  90. Bake the zebra
  91. Balance the zebra
  92. Ban the zebra
  93. Banish the zebra
  94. Bankrupt the zebra
  95. Baptize the zebra
  96. Bathe the zebra
  97. Battle the zebra
  98. Be the zebra
  99. Beam the zebra up
  100. Bear the zebra
  101. Beat the zebra
  102. Become the zebra
  103. Bedazzle the zebra
  104. Befriend the zebra
  105. Bejewel the zebra
  106. Believe in the zebra
  107. Belittle the zebra
  108. Berate the zebra
  109. Bestow the zebra
  110. Bet the zebra
  111. Betray the zebra
  112. Bewitch the zebra
  113. Bifurcate the zebra
  114. Bind the zebra
  115. Birth the zebra
  116. Bisect the zebra
  117. Bite the zebra
  118. Blacklist the zebra
  119. Blackmail the zebra
  120. Blame the zebra
  121. Blast the zebra
  122. Blend the zebra
  123. Blind the zebra
  124. Blunt the zebra
  125. Boil the zebra
  126. Bomb the zebra
  127. Bombard the zebra
  128. Bore the zebra
  129. Borrow the zebra
  130. Bounce the zebra
  131. Box the zebra
  132. Brace the zebra
  133. Bracket [the zebra]
  134. Braid the zebra
  135. Brainwash the zebra
  136. Breach the zebra
  137. Break the zebra
  138. Breathe on the zebra
  139. Breed the zebra
  140. Bribe the zebra
  141. Brief the zebra
  142. Brighten the zebra
  143. Bring the zebra
  144. Broaden the zebra
  145. Broil the zebra
  146. Bruise the zebra
  147. Brush the zebra
  148. Buff the zebra
  149. Buffalo the zebra
  150. Build the zebra
  151. Bully the zebra
  152. Burn the zebra
  153. Bury the zebra
  154. Bust the zebra
  155. Buy the zebra
  156. Cage the zebra
  157. Calculate the zebra
  158. Calibrate the zebra
  159. Call the zebra
  160. Calm the zebra
  161. Cancel the zebra
  162. Cap the zebra
  163. Capitalize The Zebra
  164. Capture the zebra
  165. Caramelize the zebra
  166. Carbonate the zebra
  167. Care for the zebra
  168. Caress the zebra
  169. Carry the zebra
  170. Cart the zebra
  171. Carve the zebra
  172. Cast the zebra
  173. Catalog the zebra
  174. Categorize the zebra
  175. Cater the zebra
  176. Cause the zebra
  177. Celebrate the zebra
  178. Censor the zebra
  179. Censure the zebra
  180. Center the zebra
  181. Chain the zebra
  182. Challenge the zebra
  183. Champion the zebra
  184. Change the zebra
  185. Channel the zebra
  186. Char the zebra
  187. Charge the zebra
  188. Chase the zebra
  189. Cheapen the zebra
  190. Check the zebra
  191. Checkmate the zebra
  192. Chew the zebra
  193. Choke the zebra
  194. Chomp on the zebra
  195. Circumnavigate the zebra
  196. Cite the zebra
  197. Clarify the zebra
  198. Classify the zebra
  199. Clean the zebra
  200. Cleanse the zebra
  201. Clear the zebra
  202. Climb the zebra
  203. Cloak the zebra
  204. Clog the zebra
  205. Clone the zebra
  206. Close the zebra
  207. Clothe the zebra
  208. Coagulate the zebra
  209. Coalesce the zebra
  210. Coat the zebra
  211. Code the zebra
  212. Collapse the zebra
  213. Collect the zebra
  214. Collide the zebra
  215. Colonize the zebra
  216. Color the zebra
  217. Combine the zebra
  218. Commend the zebra
  219. Commit the zebra
  220. Communize the zebra
  221. Compel the zebra
  222. Compile the zebra
  223. Complete the zebra
  224. Compliment the zebra
  225. Compose the zebra
  226. Compress the zebra
  227. Compute the zebra
  228. Conceptualize the zebra
  229. Concern the zebra
  230. Condemn the zebra
  231. Condense the zebra
  232. Configure the zebra
  233. Confirm the zebra
  234. Confound the zebra
  235. Confront the zebra
  236. Confuse the zebra
  237. Conglomerate the zebra
  238. Congratulate the zebra
  239. Congregate the zebra
  240. Conjugate the zebra
  241. Conjure the zebra
  242. Connect the zebra
  243. Consecrate the zebra
  244. Consign the zebra
  245. Construct the zebra
  246. Consume the zebra
  247. Contain the zebra
  248. Contemplate the zebra
  249. Contort the zebra
  250. Control the zebra
  251. Convert the zebra
  252. Convict the zebra
  253. Convince the zebra
  254. Cook the zebra
  255. Cool the zebra
  256. Copy the zebra
  257. Copyright the zebra
  258. Correct the zebra
  259. Corrode the zebra
  260. Corrupt the zebra
  261. Count the zebra
  262. Counter the zebra
  263. Countermand the zebra
  264. Couple the zebra
  265. Cover the zebra
  266. Crash the zebra
  267. Crate the zebra
  268. Cream the zebra
  269. Create the zebra
  270. Cripple the zebra
  271. Criticize the zebra
  272. Crochet the zebra
  273. Cross the zebra
  274. Cross-pollinate the zebra
  275. Crown the zebra
  276. Crucify the zebra
  277. Crush the zebra
  278. Crystallize the zebra
  279. Cube the zebra
  280. Cuddle the zebra
  281. Cue the zebra
  282. Curb the zebra
  283. Cure the zebra
  284. Curl the zebra
  285. Cut the zebra
  286. Damage the zebra
  287. Dampen the zebra
  288. Dangle the zebra
  289. Dare the zebra
  290. Darken the zebra
  291. Deactivate the zebra
  292. Deal the zebra
  293. Debase the zebra
  294. Debrief the zebra
  295. Debuff the zebra
  296. Debug the zebra
  297. Decapitate the zebra
  298. Deceive the zebra
  299. Decelerate the zebra
  300. Decimate the zebra
  301. Decline the zebra
  302. Decode the zebra
  303. Decompile the zebra
  304. Decompress the zebra
  305. Deconstruct the zebra
  306. Decorate the zebra
  307. Decrement the zebra
  308. Deep-fry the zebra
  309. Defame the zebra
  310. Defeat the zebra
  311. Defend the zebra
  312. Defenestrate the zebra
  313. Defile the zebra
  314. Define the zebra
  315. Deflate the zebra
  316. Deflect the zebra
  317. Deform the zebra
  318. Defrag the zebra
  319. Defrost the zebra
  320. Defy the zebra
  321. Degenerate the zebra
  322. Degrade the zebra
  323. Dehydrate the zebra
  324. Deify the zebra
  325. Delay the zebra
  326. Delete the zebra
  327. Delight the zebra
  328. Deliver the zebra
  329. Demand the zebra
  330. Dematerialize the zebra
  331. Demean the zebra
  332. Demolish the zebra
  333. Demonetize the zebra
  334. Demonize the zebra
  335. Demoralize the zebra
  336. Demote the zebra
  337. Demotivate the zebra
  338. Denigrate the zebra
  339. Dent the zebra
  340. Deny the zebra
  341. Deobfuscate the zebra
  342. Deodorize the zebra
  343. Depict the zebra
  344. Depilate the zebra
  345. Deploy the zebra
  346. Deprecate the zebra
  347. Depressurize the zebra
  348. Deprive the zebra
  349. Deprogram the zebra
  350. Deprotonate the zebra
  351. Deregulate the zebra
  352. Derogate the zebra
  353. Descend the zebra
  354. Describe the zebra
  355. Design the zebra
  356. Despise the zebra
  357. Destroy the zebra
  358. Desynchronize the zebra
  359. Detach the zebra
  360. Detail the zebra
  361. Deteriorate the zebra
  362. Detest the zebra
  363. Detonate the zebra
  364. Devalue the zebra
  365. Develop the zebra
  366. Devitalize the zebra
  367. Dictate the zebra
  368. Die in the zebra
  369. Differentiate the zebra
  370. Digest the zebra
  371. Digitalize the zebra
  372. Dilapidate the zebra
  373. Dilate the zebra
  374. Dilute the zebra
  375. Dip the zebra
  376. Disable the zebra
  377. Disallow the zebra
  378. Disassemble the zebra
  379. Disavow the zebra
  380. Discharge the zebra
  381. Discolor the zebra
  382. Discombobulate the zebra
  383. Disconnect the zebra
  384. Discount the zebra
  385. Disembark from the zebra
  386. Disembowel the zebra
  387. Disenfranchise the zebra
  388. Disentangle the zebra
  389. Disestablish the zebra
  390. Disguise the zebra
  391. Dishearten the zebra
  392. Disincentivize the zebra
  393. Disinfect the zebra
  394. Disintegrate the zebra
  395. Dislike the zebra
  396. Dismember the zebra
  397. Disown the zebra
  398. Disparage the zebra
  399. Display the zebra
  400. Dispute the zebra
  401. Disregard the zebra
  402. Disrupt the zebra
  403. Dissect the zebra
  404. Dissemble the zebra
  405. Dissociate the zebra
  406. Dissolve the zebra
  407. Distinguish the zebra
  408. Distort the zebra
  409. Distribute the zebra
  410. Ditch the zebra
  411. Divest the zebra
  412. Divide the zebra
  413. Divorce the zebra
  414. Do the zebra
  415. Dominate the zebra
  416. Doom the zebra
  417. Double the zebra zebra
  418. Downgrade the zebra
  419. Download the zebra
  420. Downsample the zebra
  421. Draft the zebra
  422. Drag the zebra
  423. Drain the zebra
  424. Draw the zebra
  425. Dress the zebra
  426. Drill the zebra
  427. Drink the zebra
  428. Drive the zebra
  429. Drop the zebra
  430. Drown the zebra
  431. Drug the zebra
  432. Dry the zebra
  433. Duct the zebra
  434. Duel the zebra
  435. Dull the zebra
  436. Dunk the zebra
  437. Dupe the zebra
  438. Duplicate the zebra zebra
  439. Dust the zebra
  440. Dye the zebra
  441. Earn the zebra
  442. Eat the zebra
  443. Echo the zebra
  444. Eclipse the zebra
  445. Edit the zebra
  446. Educate the zebra
  447. Eject the zebra
  448. Elaborate the zebra
  449. Elbow the zebra
  450. Elect the zebra
  451. Electrify the zebra
  452. Electrocute the zebra
  453. Elevate the zebra
  454. Eliminate the zebra
  455. Elongate the zebra
  456. Email the zebra
  457. Emancipate the zebra
  458. Embarrass the zebra
  459. Embed the zebra
  460. Embellish the zebra
  461. Emblazon the zebra
  462. Embody the zebra
  463. Enbolden the zebra
  464. Embroider the zebra
  465. Employ the zebra
  466. Empty the zebra
  467. Enable the zebra
  468. Enact the zebra
  469. Encode the zebra
  470. Encounter the zebra
  471. Encourage the zebra
  472. End the zebra
  473. Endanger the zebra
  474. Endure the zebra
  475. Energize the zebra
  476. Engineer the zebra
  477. Enlist the zebra
  478. Enroll the zebra
  479. Enslave the zebra
  480. Ensnare the zebra
  481. Entangle the zebra
  482. Enter the zebra
  483. Entertain the zebra
  484. Enthuse the zebra
  485. Entomb the zebra
  486. Entrance the zebra
  487. Entrust the zebra
  488. Enumerate the zebra
  489. Envision the zebra
  490. Equalize the zebra
  491. Equilibrate the zebra
  492. Equip the zebra
  493. Eradicate the zebra
  494. Erase the zebra
  495. Escalate the zebra
  496. Escape the zebra
  497. Escort the zebra
  498. Establish the zebra
  499. Estimate the zebra
  500. Eulogize the zebra
  501. Evaluate the zebra
  502. Evict the zebra
  503. Eviscerate the zebra
  504. Exact the zebra
  505. Exaggerate the zebra
  506. Examine the zebra
  507. Excavate the zebra
  508. Excite the zebra
  509. Exclude the zebra
  510. Excommunicate the zebra
  511. Excuse the zebra
  512. Execute the zebra
  513. Exfoliate the zebra
  514. Exhale the zebra
  515. Exhaust the zebra
  516. Exhilarate the zebra
  517. Exhort the zebra
  518. Exhume the zebra
  519. Exit the zebra
  520. Exorcize the zebra
  521. Expand the zebra
  522. Expect the zebra
  523. Expel the zebra
  524. Expend the zebra
  525. Explain the zebra
  526. Explode the zebra
  527. Exploit the zebra
  528. Exponentiate the zebra
  529. Export the zebra
  530. Expose the zebra
  531. Express the zebra
  532. Extend the zebra
  533. Exterminate the zebra
  534. Extinguish the zebra
  535. Extol the zebra
  536. Extort the zebra
  537. Extract the zebra
  538. Extrapolate the zebra
  539. Extricate the zebra
  540. Eye the zebra
  541. Eyeball the zebra
  542. Face the zebra
  543. Factor the zebra
  544. Fade the zebra
  545. Fail the zebra
  546. Fascinate the zebra
  547. Fasten the zebra
  548. Fatten the zebra
  549. Fax the zebra
  550. Fear the zebra
  551. Fearmonger the zebra
  552. Feed the zebra
  553. Feel the zebra
  554. Fell the zebra
  555. Feminize the zebra
  556. Fence the zebra
  557. Ferment the zebra
  558. Fetch the zebra
  559. Figure the zebra
  560. Filibuster the zebra
  561. Fill the zebra
  562. Film the zebra
  563. Finagle the zebra
  564. Finalize the zebra
  565. Find the zebra
  566. Fine-tune the zebra
  567. Finesse the zebra
  568. Finish the zebra
  569. Fire the zebra
  570. Fit the zebra
  571. Fix the zebra
  572. Flag the zebra
  573. Flame the zebra
  574. Flatten the zebra
  575. Flavor the zebra
  576. Flick the zebra
  577. Flip ɐɹqǝz ǝɥʇ
  578. Float the zebra
  579. Floccinaucinihilipilificate the zebra
  580. Floor the zebra
  581. Floss the zebra
  582. Flout the zebra
  583. Fly the zebra
  584. Focus the zebra
  585. Fold the zebra
  586. Follow the zebra
  587. Fool the zebra
  588. Force-feed the zebra
  589. Forge the zebra
  590. Forget the zebra
  591. Form the zebra
  592. Format the zebra
  593. Formulate the zebra
  594. Fortify the zebra
  595. Fossilize the zebra
  596. Fracture the zebra
  597. Frag the zebra
  598. Frame the zebra
  599. Free the zebra
  600. Freeze the zebra
  601. Freshen the zebra
  602. Friend-zone the zebra
  603. Frown at the zebra
  604. Frustrate the zebra
  605. Fry the zebra
  606. Fuel the zebra
  607. Fuse the zebra
  608. Galvanize the zebra
  609. Gamble the zebra
  610. Gank the zebra
  611. Garrison the zebra
  612. Gather the zebra
  613. Gelatinize the zebra
  614. Generate the zebra
  615. Get a real zebra
  616. Give the zebra
  617. Glaze the zebra
  618. Glitch the zebra
  619. Globalize the zebra
  620. Glorify the zebra
  621. Glue the zebra
  622. Google "the zebra"
  623. Grab the zebra
  624. Grade the zebra
  625. Graduate the zebra
  626. Graft the zebra
  627. Graph the zebra
  628. grep "the zebra"
  629. Grill the zebra
  630. Grind the zebra
  631. Groom the zebra
  632. Ground the zebra
  633. Group the zebra
  634. Grow the zebra
  635. Guesstimate the zebra
  636. Guide the zebra
  637. Hack the zebra
  638. Hail the zebra
  639. Hallow the zebra
  640. Halt the zebra
  641. Halve the zebra
  642. Hammer the zebra
  643. Hand the zebra
  644. Handcuff the zebra
  645. Handle the zebra
  646. Hang the zebra
  647. Harm the zebra
  648. Harness the zebra
  649. Hate the zebra
  650. Have the zebra
  651. Heal the zebra
  652. Hear the zebra
  653. Heat the zebra
  654. Hem the zebra
  655. Herd the zebra
  656. Hide the zebra
  657. High-five the zebra
  658. Hire the zebra
  659. Hold the zebra
  660. Hollow the zebra
  661. Hug the zebra
  662. Humble the zebra
  663. Humiliate the zebra
  664. Humor the zebra
  665. Hunt the zebra
  666. Hurt the zebra
  667. Hush the zebra
  668. Hydrate the zebra
  669. Hydrogenate the zebra
  670. Hyphenate the zebra
  671. Hypnotize the zebra
  672. Hypothesize the zebra
  673. Idealize the zebra
  674. Identify the zebra
  675. Idolize the zebra
  676. Ignite the zebra
  677. Illuminate the zebra
  678. Imagine the zebra
  679. Imbue the zebra
  680. Immerse the zebra
  681. Immobilize the zebra
  682. Impeach the zebra
  683. Implode the zebra
  684. Import the zebra
  685. Impose the zebra
  686. Impress the zebra
  687. Imprison the zebra
  688. Improve the zebra
  689. Incentivize the zebra
  690. Incinerate the zebra
  691. Incline the zebra
  692. Include the zebra
  693. Incorporate the zebra
  694. Increase the zebra
  695. Increment the zebra
  696. Inculcate the zebra
  697. Individuate the zebra
  698. Indoctrinate the zebra
  699. Induce the zebra
  700. Infantilize the zebra
  701. Infect the zebra
  702. Inflame the zebra
  703. Inflate the zebra
  704. Inflict the zebra
  705. Infuse the zebra
  706. Inhabit the zebra
  707. Inhale the zebra
  708. Inhibit the zebra
  709. Initialize the zebra
  710. Initiate the zebra
  711. Inject the zebra
  712. Innovate the zebra
  713. Inoculate the zebra
  714. Inspect the zebra
  715. Inspire the zebra
  716. Install the zebra
  717. Instill the zebra
  718. Instruct the zebra
  719. Insult the zebra
  720. Integrate the zebra
  721. Intensify the zebra
  722. Intercept the zebra
  723. Interconnect the zebra
  724. Interlock the zebra
  725. Intern the zebra
  726. Interpret the zebra
  727. Interrogate the zebra
  728. Interview the zebra
  729. Intoxicate the zebra
  730. Intuit the zebra
  731. Invalidate the zebra
  732. Invent the zebra
  733. Invert the zebra
  734. Invest the zebra
  735. Investigate the zebra
  736. Invigorate the zebra
  737. Invite the zebra
  738. Invoke the zebra
  739. Ionize the zebra
  740. Irradiate the zebra
  741. Irritate the zebra
  742. Italicize the zebra
  743. Itemize the zebra
  744. Iterate the zebra
  745. Jail the zebra
  746. Jam the zebra
  747. Jangle the zebra
  748. Join the zebra
  749. Jolt the zebra
  750. Judge the zebra
  751. Juggle the zebra
  752. Juice the zebra
  753. Justify the zebra
  754. Karyotype the zebra
  755. Kebab the zebra
  756. Kick the zebra
  757. Kidnap the zebra
  758. Kill the zebra
  759. Kiss the zebra
  760. Knee the zebra
  761. Knit the zebra
  762. Label the zebra
  763. Laminate the zebra
  764. Lance the zebra
  765. Land the zebra
  766. Lapidate the zebra
  767. Latch the zebra
  768. Laud the zebra
  769. Launch the zebra
  770. Lean the zebra
  771. Lease the zebra
  772. Leave the zebra
  773. Legalize the zebra
  774. Lend the zebra
  775. Lengthen the zebra
  776. Lessen the zebra
  777. Liberate the zebra
  778. License the zebra
  779. Lick the zebra
  780. Lift the zebra
  781. Light the zebra
  782. Lighten the zebra
  783. Like the zebra
  784. Liquefy the zebra
  785. Liquidate the zebra
  786. List the zebra
  787. Litigate the zebra
  788. Load the zebra
  789. Localize the zebra
  790. Locate the zebra
  791. Lock the zebra
  792. Lose the zebra
  793. Love the zebra
  794. Lower the zebra
  795. Lowercase the zebra
  796. Macerate the zebra
  797. Madden the zebra
  798. Magnetize the zebra
  799. Magnify the zebra
  800. Mail the zebra
  801. Maim the zebra
  802. Maintain the zebra
  803. Make the zebra
  804. Make the zebra great again
  805. Malign the zebra
  806. Man the zebra
  807. Manage the zebra
  808. Mandate the zebra
  809. Manifest the zebra
  810. Manipulate the zebra
  811. March with the zebra
  812. Marinate the zebra
  813. Mark the zebra
  814. Marry the zebra
  815. Masculinize the zebra
  816. Mass the zebra
  817. Mass-produce the zebra
  818. Massacre the zebra
  819. Massage the zebra
  820. Masticate the zebra
  821. Match the zebra
  822. Materialize the zebra
  823. Maul the zebra
  824. Maximize the zebra
  825. Measure the zebra
  826. Meet the zebra
  827. Melt the zebra
  828. Mend the zebra
  829. Merge the zebra
  830. Mimic the zebra
  831. Mind the zebra
  832. Mine the zebra
  833. Miniaturize the zebra
  834. Minify the zebra
  835. Minimize the zebra
  836. Mirror the zebra
  837. Misinterpret the zebra
  838. Misjudge the zebra
  839. Misplace the zebra
  840. Miss the zebra
  841. Misspell the zeebruh
  842. Mix the zebra
  843. Model the zebra
  844. Moderate the zebra
  845. Modify the zebra
  846. Modularize the zebra
  847. Modulate the zebra
  848. Moisten the zebra
  849. Mold the zebra
  850. Monetize the zebra
  851. Monitor the zebra
  852. Morph the zebra
  853. Motivate the zebra
  854. Mourn the zebra
  855. Move the zebra
  856. Mow the zebra
  857. Multiply the zebra
  858. Mummify the zebra
  859. Murder the zebra
  860. Mutate the zebra
  861. Mystify the zebra
  862. Nail the zebra
  863. Name the zebra
  864. Narrate the zebra
  865. Narrow the zebra
  866. Naturalize the zebra
  867. Need the zebra
  868. Negate the zebra
  869. Nerf the zebra
  870. Nickname the Zeeb
  871. Nudge the zebra
  872. Nuke the zebra
  873. Nullify the zebra
  874. Number the zebra
  875. Obey the zebra
  876. Obfuscate the zebra
  877. Obliterate the zebra
  878. Observe the zebra
  879. Obtain the zebra
  880. Offend the zebra
  881. Offer the zebra
  882. Operate the zebra
  883. Optimize the zebra
  884. Organize the zebra
  885. Orientate the zebra
  886. Outclass the zebra
  887. Outdo the zebra
  888. Outfox the zebra
  889. Outlaw the zebra
  890. Outline the zebra
  891. Outrun the zebra
  892. Outsmart the zebra
  893. Outwit the zebra
  894. Overcook the zebra
  895. Overdesign the zebra
  896. Overengineer the zebra
  897. Overestimate the zebra
  898. Overheat the zebra
  899. Overload the zebra
  900. Overprice the zebra
  901. Overrate the zebra
  902. Overrule the zebra
  903. Oversimplify the zebra
  904. Overthrow the zebra
  905. Overtrain the zebra
  906. Overturn the zebra
  907. Overuse the zebra
  908. Overwhelm the zebra
  909. Overwork the zebra
  910. Own the zebra
  911. Oxidize the zebra
  912. Oxygenate the zebra
  913. Pack the zebra
  914. Package the zebra
  915. Paddle the zebra
  916. Paint the zebra
  917. Palpate the zebra
  918. Pamper the zebra
  919. Panic the zebra
  920. Parenthesize (the zebra)
  921. Park the zebra
  922. Particularize the zebra
  923. Pass the zebra
  924. Paste the zebra
  925. Pay the zebra
  926. Peel the zebra
  927. Pepper the zebra
  928. Perform the zebra
  929. Perplex the zebra
  930. Persuade the zebra
  931. Peruse the zebra
  932. Pet the zebra
  933. Petrify the zebra
  934. Photograph the zebra
  935. Pick the zebra
  936. Pickle the zebra
  937. Pilot the zebra
  938. Pin the zebra
  939. Pinch the zebra
  940. Ping the zebra
  941. Pinpoint the zebra
  942. Pitch the zebra
  943. Pixelate the zebra
  944. Place the zebra
  945. Plan the zebra
  946. Plant the zebra
  947. Play the zebra
  948. Plead the zebra
  949. Plow the zebra
  950. Plug the zebra
  951. Pluralize the zebra
  952. Poison the zebra
  953. Poke the zebra
  954. Polarize the zebra
  955. Polish the zebra
  956. Pollinate the zebra
  957. Pop the zebra
  958. Portray the zebra
  959. Post the zebra
  960. Pour the zebra
  961. Practice the zebra
  962. Praise the zebra
  963. Precompile the zebra
  964. Predict the zebra
  965. Preprocess the zebra
  966. Preprogram the zebra
  967. Prescribe the zebra
  968. Preserve the zebra
  969. Pressurize the zebra
  970. Prettify the zebra
  971. Preview the zebra
  972. Price the zebra
  973. Print the zebra
  974. Privatize the zebra
  975. Probe the zebra
  976. Process the zebra
  977. Prod the zebra
  978. Profile the zebra
  979. Program the zebra
  980. Proliferate the zebra
  981. Promote the zebra
  982. Proofread the zebra
  983. Propel the zebra
  984. Propose the zebra
  985. Prorate the zebra
  986. Protect the zebra
  987. Protonate the zebra
  988. Provide the zebra
  989. Prune the zebra
  990. Pull the zebra
  991. Pulverize the zebra
  992. Punch the zebra
  993. Puncture the zebra
  994. Punt the zebra
  995. Purchase the zebra
  996. Puzzle the zebra
  997. Pwn the zebra
  998. Quadruple the zebra
  999. Qualify the zebra
  1000. Quantize the zebra
  1001. Quash the zebra
  1002. Quench the zebra
  1003. Query the zebra
  1004. Question the zebra
  1005. Queue the zebra
  1006. Quicken the zebra
  1007. Quiet the zebra
  1008. Quintuple the zebra
  1009. Quiz the zebra
  1010. Quote the zebra
  1011. Race the zebra
  1012. Radio the zebra
  1013. Raid the zebra
  1014. Raise the zebra
  1015. Randomize the zebra
  1016. Rap the zebra
  1017. Rate the zebra
  1018. Rattle the zebra
  1019. Raze the zebra
  1020. Re-equip the zebra
  1021. Reactivate the zebra
  1022. Read the zebra
  1023. Ready the zebra
  1024. Realign the zebra
  1025. Reanimate the zebra
  1026. Reap the zebra
  1027. Reassemble the zebra
  1028. Reattach the zebra
  1029. Reboot the zebra
  1030. Rebuff the zebra
  1031. Rebuild the zebra
  1032. Recall the zebra
  1033. Recapitalize The Zebra
  1034. Recapitulate the zebra
  1035. Reciprocate the zebra
  1036. Recolor the zebra
  1037. Recombine the zebra
  1038. Recommend the zebra
  1039. Recompile the zebra
  1040. Reconfigure the zebra
  1041. Reconnect the zebra
  1042. Reconstruct the zebra
  1043. Record the zebra
  1044. Recount the zebra
  1045. Recover the zebra
  1046. Recreate the zebra
  1047. Recruit the zebra
  1048. Recuse the zebra
  1049. Recycle the zebra
  1050. Redact the zebra
  1051. Redesign the zebra
  1052. Redistribute the zebra
  1053. Redo the zebra
  1054. Redownload the zebra
  1055. Reduce the zebra
  1056. Reelect the zebra
  1057. Reestablish the zebra
  1058. Reference the zebra
  1059. Refit the zebra
  1060. Reflect the zebra
  1061. Reforge the zebra
  1062. Reform the zebra
  1063. Reformat the zebra
  1064. Refresh the zebra
  1065. Refrigerate the zebra
  1066. Refuse the zebra
  1067. Regenerate the zebra
  1068. Regret the zebra
  1069. Regroup the zebra
  1070. Regrow the zebra
  1071. Regulate the zebra
  1072. Regurgitate the zebra
  1073. Reimagine the zebra
  1074. Reinspire the zebra
  1075. Reinterpret the zebra
  1076. Reinvent the zebra
  1077. Rejoin the zebra
  1078. Rejuvenate the zebra
  1079. Release the zebra
  1080. Reload the zebra
  1081. Relocate the zebra
  1082. Rely on the zebra
  1083. Remake the zebra
  1084. Remarry the zebra
  1085. Remember the zebra
  1086. Remix the zebra
  1087. Remold the zebra
  1088. Remove the zebra
  1089. Remunerate the zebra
  1090. Rename the zebra
  1091. Rend the zebra
  1092. Renovate the zebra
  1093. Rent the zebra
  1094. Reorganize the zebra
  1095. Repaint the zebra
  1096. Repair the zebra
  1097. Repeal the zebra
  1098. Repeat the zebra
  1099. Replace the zebra
  1100. Replant the zebra
  1101. Replay the zebra
  1102. Replenish the zebra
  1103. Replicate the zebra
  1104. Report the zebra
  1105. Repress the zebra
  1106. Reprimand the zebra
  1107. Reprocess the zebra
  1108. Reprogram the zebra
  1109. Repudiate the zebra
  1110. Repurpose the zebra
  1111. Request the zebra
  1112. Require the zebra
  1113. Rescind the zebra
  1114. Rescue the zebra
  1115. Research the zebra
  1116. Resend the zebra
  1117. Resize the zebra
  1118. Rest the zebra
  1119. Restart the zebra
  1120. Restore the zebra
  1121. Resupply the zebra
  1122. Resurrect the zebra
  1123. Resuscitate the zebra
  1124. Rethink the zebra
  1125. Retract the zebra
  1126. Return the zebra
  1127. Reunite the zebra
  1128. Reuse the zebra
  1129. Rev the zebra
  1130. Revere the zebra
  1131. Reverse eht arbez
  1132. Revert the zebra
  1133. Review the zebra
  1134. Revise the zebra
  1135. Revitalize the zebra
  1136. Revive the zebra
  1137. Revoke the zebra
  1138. Revolutionize the zebra
  1139. Revolve the zebra
  1140. Reward the zebra
  1141. Rewind the zebra
  1142. Riddle the zebra
  1143. Ride the zebra
  1144. Rig the zebra
  1145. Right the zebra
  1146. Ring the zebra
  1147. Ripen the zebra
  1148. Risk the zebra
  1149. Roast the zebra
  1150. Robe the zebra
  1151. Rock the zebra
  1152. Rocket the zebra
  1153. Roll the zebra
  1154. Romanticize the zebra
  1155. Root the zebra
  1156. Rotate the zebra
  1157. Rouse the zebra
  1158. Rub the zebra
  1159. Run the zebra
  1160. Rupture the zebra
  1161. Rush the zebra
  1162. Rustle the zebra
  1163. Sack the zebra
  1164. Sacrifice the zebra
  1165. Sadden the zebra
  1166. Sail the zebra
  1167. Salt the zebra
  1168. Salute the zebra
  1169. Sample the zebra
  1170. Sanctify the zebra
  1171. Satiate the zebra
  1172. Sauté the zebra
  1173. Save the zebra
  1174. Saw the zebra
  1175. Say "the zebra"
  1176. Scale the zebra
  1177. Scan the zebra
  1178. Scatter the zebra
  1179. Schedule the zebra
  1180. Score the zebra
  1181. Scramble the barze
  1182. Scrap the zebra
  1183. Scratch the zebra
  1184. Screen the zebra
  1185. Screw in the zebra
  1186. Script the zebra
  1187. Scrutinize the zebra
  1188. Seal the zebra
  1189. Search the zebra
  1190. Season the zebra
  1191. Seat the zebra
  1192. Secure the zebra
  1193. Seduce the zebra
  1194. See the zebra
  1195. Segment the zebra
  1196. Segregate the zebra
  1197. Seize the zebra
  1198. Select the zebra
  1199. Sell the zebra
  1200. Send the zebra
  1201. Separate the zebra
  1202. Serialize the zebra
  1203. Settle the zebra
  1204. Sever the zebra
  1205. Sew the zebra
  1206. Shackle the zebra
  1207. Shade the zebra
  1208. Shake the zebra
  1209. Shame the zebra
  1210. Share the zebra
  1211. Sharpen the zebra
  1212. Shatter the zebra
  1213. Shave the zebra
  1214. Shellac the zebra
  1215. Shift the zebra
  1216. Shine the zebra
  1217. Ship the zebra
  1218. Shock the zebra
  1219. Shoot the zebra
  1220. Shorten the zebra
  1221. Shower the zebra
  1222. Shred the zebra
  1223. Shrink the zebra
  1224. Shroud the zebra
  1225. Shut the zebra
  1226. Sicken the zebra
  1227. Sight the zebra
  1228. Sign the zebra
  1229. Simplify the zebra
  1230. Simulate the zebra
  1231. Sing "the zebra"
  1232. Sink the zebra
  1233. Siphon the zebra
  1234. Sketch the zebra
  1235. Skip the zebra
  1236. Skype the zebra
  1237. Slam the zebra
  1238. Slander the zebra
  1239. Slant the zebra
  1240. Slap the zebra
  1241. Slay the zebra
  1242. Slice the zebra
  1243. Slide the zebra
  1244. Slight the zebra
  1245. Slip the zebra
  1246. Slow the zebra
  1247. Smack the zebra
  1248. Smash the zebra
  1249. Smell the zebra
  1250. Smelt the zebra
  1252. Smother the zebra
  1253. Snipe the zebra
  1254. Snub the zebra
  1255. Soak the zebra
  1256. Sober the zebra
  1257. Socialize the zebra
  1258. Soften the zebra
  1259. Solve the zebra
  1260. Souse the zebra
  1261. Sow the zebra
  1262. Space t h e z e b r a
  1263. Spaghettify the zebra
  1264. Spear the zebra
  1265. Specify the zebra
  1266. Spell "the zebra"
  1267. Spew the zebra
  1268. Spice the zebra
  1269. Spill the zebra
  1270. Spin the zebra
  1271. Splash the zebra
  1272. Split the ze bra
  1273. Sport the zebra
  1274. Spot the zebra
  1275. Spure the zebra
  1276. Spurn the zebra
  1277. Square the zebra
  1278. Squash the zebra
  1279. Squeeze the zebra
  1280. Stab the zebra
  1281. Stake the zebra
  1282. Stalk the zebra
  1283. Stamp the zebra
  1284. Staple the zebra
  1285. Start the zebra
  1286. Startle the zebra
  1287. Starve the zebra
  1288. Steal the zebra
  1289. Steer the zebra
  1290. Stick the zebra
  1291. Stiffen the zebra
  1292. Stifle the zebra
  1293. Stigmatize the zebra
  1294. Stimulate the zebra
  1295. Stipulate the zebra
  1296. Stir the zebra
  1297. Stitch the zebra
  1298. Stomp on the zebra
  1299. Store the zebra
  1300. Storm the zebra
  1301. Straighten the zebra
  1302. Strangle the zebra
  1303. Stratify the zebra
  1304. Strengthen the zebra
  1305. Stretch the zebra
  1306. Strike the zebra
  1307. Study the zebra
  1308. Stuff the zebra
  1309. Stun the zebra
  1310. Style the zebra
  1311. Subdue the zebra
  1312. Subjugate the zebra
  1313. Sublease the zebra
  1314. Sublet the zebra
  1315. Submerge the zebra
  1316. Subscript the zebra
  1317. Substitute the zebra
  1318. Subsume the zebra
  1319. Sue the zebra
  1320. Suffocate the zebra
  1321. Suggest the zebra
  1322. Summarize the zebra
  1323. Summon the zebra
  1324. Sunburn the zebra
  1325. Sunscreen the zebra
  1326. Superscript the zebra
  1327. Supervise the zebra
  1328. Supply the zebra
  1329. Support the zebra
  1330. Suppress the zebra
  1331. Surge the zebra
  1332. Surgically alter the zebra
  1333. Surpass the zebra
  1334. Surround the zebra
  1335. Suspend the zebra
  1336. Swarm the zebra
  1337. Sweeten the zebra
  1338. Swindle the zebra
  1339. Swing the zebra
  1340. Swipe the zebra
  1341. Switch the zebra
  1342. Symbolize the zebra
  1343. Synchronize the zebra
  1344. Synthesize the zebra
  1345. Systematize the zebra
  1346. Tabulate the zebra
  1347. Tag the zebra
  1348. Tailor the zebra
  1349. Taint the zebra
  1350. Take the zebra
  1351. Tame the zebra
  1352. Tangle the zebra
  1353. Tape the zebra
  1354. Taste the zebra
  1355. Tattoo the zebra
  1356. Taunt the zebra
  1357. Tax the zebra
  1358. Teach the zebra
  1359. Tease the zebra
  1360. Teleport the zebra
  1361. Tell the zebra
  1362. Terminate the zebra
  1363. Test the zebra
  1364. Text the zebra
  1365. Thaw the zebra
  1366. Theorize the zebra
  1367. Thrill the zebra
  1368. Throw the zebra
  1369. Thwack the zebra
  1370. Tickle the zebra
  1371. Tie the zebra
  1372. Tile the zebra
  1373. Time the zebra
  1374. Tip the zebra
  1375. Titrate the zebra
  1376. Toast the zebra
  1377. Torture the zebra
  1378. Toss the zebra
  1379. Toughen the zebra
  1380. Trace the zebra
  1381. Track the zebra
  1382. Trade the zebra
  1383. Traffic the zebra
  1384. Trail the zebra
  1385. Train the zebra
  1386. Tranquilize the zebra
  1387. Transform the zebra
  1388. Translate the zebra
  1389. Transmit the zebra
  1390. Transmogrify the zebra
  1391. Transmute the zebra
  1392. Transport the zebra
  1393. Traumatize the zebra
  1394. Treat the zebra
  1395. Triple the zebra zebra zebra
  1396. Triplicate the zebra zebra zebra
  1397. Trisect the zebra
  1398. Trump the zebra
  1399. Trust the zebra
  1400. Truts the zebra
  1401. Try the zebra
  1402. Tug the zebra
  1403. Tune the zebra
  1404. Turn the zebra
  1405. Tweet the zebra
  1406. Twist the zebra
  1407. Type "the zebra"
  1408. Unbalance the zebra
  1409. Unchain the zebra
  1410. Unclog the zebra
  1411. Uncrate the zebra
  1412. Underestimate the zebra
  1413. Underline the zebra
  1414. Underrate the zebra
  1415. Undo the zebra
  1416. Undress the zebra
  1417. Unearth the zebra
  1418. Unfold the zebra
  1419. Unify the zebra
  1420. Uninstall the zebra
  1421. Unite the zebra
  1422. Unload the zebra
  1423. Unlock the zebra
  1424. Unmark the zebra
  1425. Unpack the zebra
  1426. Unpin the zebra
  1427. Unplug the zebra
  1428. Unsettle the zebra
  1429. Untie the zebra
  1430. Unveil the zebra
  1431. Unzip the zebra
  1432. Update the zebra
  1433. Upgrade the zebra
  1434. Upload the zebra
  1435. Uppercase THE ZEBRA
  1436. Urge the zebra
  1437. Use the zebra
  1438. Vacuum the zebra
  1439. Validate the zebra
  1440. Value the zebra
  1441. Vandalize the zebra
  1442. Vaporize the zebra
  1443. Veil the zebra
  1444. Vent the zebra
  1445. Verbificate the zebrafication
  1446. Verify the zebra
  1447. Veto the zebra
  1448. Vex the zebra
  1449. Vibrate the zebra
  1450. View the zebra
  1451. Vilify the zebra
  1452. Vilipend the zebra
  1453. Vindicate the zebra
  1454. Violate the zebra
  1455. Viscerate the zebra
  1456. Visualize the zebra
  1457. Vitalize the zebra
  1458. Vituperate the zebra
  1459. Void the zebra
  1460. Vomit the zebra
  1461. Want the zebra
  1462. War the zebra
  1463. Warn the zebra
  1464. Warp the zebra
  1465. Wash the zebra
  1466. Watch the zebra
  1467. Wave the zebra
  1468. Weaken the zebra
  1469. Weaponize the zebra
  1470. Wear the zebra
  1471. Weigh the zebra
  1472. Weight the zebra
  1473. Weird the zebra
  1474. Weld the zebra
  1475. Whack the zebra
  1476. Whirl the zebra
  1477. Whitelist the zebra
  1478. Whiten the zebra
  1479. Whittle the zebra
  1480. Win the zebra
  1481. Wind the zebra
  1482. Wipe the zebra
  1483. Wire the zebra
  1484. Withdraw the zebra
  1485. Work the zebra
  1486. Worship the zebra
  1487. Wound the zebra
  1488. Wrangle the zebra
  1489. Wrap the zebra
  1490. Wreck the zebra
  1491. Wrestle the zebra
  1492. Write "the zebra"
  1493. Wrong the zebra
  1494. X-ray the zebra
  1495. Xerox the zebra
  1496. Yank the zebra
  1497. Yield the zebra
  1498. Zap the zebra
  1499. Zero the zebra
  1500. Zip the zebra