
Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a store designed to simplify API compunication.

How it works?

This module creates a new module for a vuex store. This module will contain an object with fields for each end-point, an action to fetch at a specific end-point and a getter to access the data.

How to use?

To get started call the createStore() method. This method can receive an object that contains custom actions, mutations and getters you may want to create.


  getters: {
    customGetterExample: (state) => state.data
  actions: {
    customActionExample: (actionObject, payload) => actionObject.commit('customMutationExample',payload)
  mutations: {
    customMutationExample: (state, payload) => state.data = payload

To define a fetch on a route call one of the following methods:

addGetRoute({resourceName: String, initialValue: any, endPoint: String, serializer: Function, customActions: Array[String], customMutaions: Array[String]}) 
addDeleteRoute({resourceName: String, initialValue: any, endPoint: String, serializer: Function, customActions: Array[String], customMutaions: Array[String]}) 
addHeadRoute({resourceName: String, initialValue: any, endPoint: String, serializer: Function, customActions: Array[String], customMutaions: Array[String]})
addOptionsRoute({resourceName: String, initialValue: any, endPoint: String, serializer: Function, customActions: Array[String], customMutaions: Array[String]}) 
addPostRoute({resourceName: String, initialValue: any, endPoint: String, serializer: Function, customActions: Array[String], customMutaions: Array[String]})
addPutRoute({resourceName: String, initialValue: any, endPoint: String, serializer: Function, customActions: Array[String], customMutaions: Array[String]})
addPatchRoute({resourceName: String, initialValue: any, endPoint: String, serializer: Function, customActions: Array[String], customMutaions: Array[String]}) 

Each function relates to one method in the API call.


resourceName -> will determine the name of the action, getter and data field

initialValue -> data in field on start

endPoint -> endPoint of the API (:variableName in the url will be replaced with a parameter of the same name when the created action is called)

serializer -> function called with response data, must return data in a new format

customActions -> array that contains the names of the actions to be called at the end of the fetching, they will be called with the result of the serializer as the payload


  resourceName: 'userDetails',
  initialValue: [],
  endpoint: `http://api.github.com/repos/:userName/:repoName/contents/:location`,
  serializer: (response) => ({

Using an action

Actions are created with the following name structure call method (get, post, etc.) + resourceName + 'Action'. So for a get request with the resource name magicData the action name is getMagicDataAction. This function is always async. After the function is called you can get the data from the fetch using one of the following getters.

magicDataDataGetter -> will return the data retuned by the serializer

magicDataErrorGetter -> will return the error (or false) in case the fetch failed for any reason

The getters are named resourceName + 'DataGetter' or resourceName + 'ErrorGetter'.


For the addGetRoute in the above example the action will look like this:

const store = useStore();
await store.dispatch('getUserDetailsAction', {routeParams: {userName: 'abc', repoName: 'def', location: 'ghi'} })
console.log('data: ', store.getters.userDetailsDataGetter);
console.log('error: ', store.getters.userDetailsErrorGetter)

Using Query Parameters

If you want to make a request using query params you can call any action and to the payload object add the queryParams field:

For example the following dispatch

await store.dispatch('getUserDetailsAction', {routeParams: {userName: 'abc', repoName: 'def', location: 'ghi'}, queryParams: {q:'abc', q2:'efg'} })

will result in the following call:


Post, Patch, Put

For these fetch methods your actions will require a data object to be send. Adding to the previous example:

await store.dispatch('getUserDetailsAction', {routeParams: {userName: 'abc', repoName: 'def', location: 'ghi'}, queryParams: {q:'abc', q2:'efg'}, dataParams:{data:'data'} })

Everything created

So, in the end, this module creates the following elements for each fetch added:

  • an action that executes the fetch and uses the serializer to parse response data. This action's name is computed with the following formula: call method (get, post, etc.) + resourceName + 'Action'
  • a mutation for the resulting data named: call method (get, post, etc.) + resourceName + 'Commit'
  • a mutation for the error (if any): call method (get, post, etc.) + resourceName + 'ErrorCommit'
  • a getter for the data: resource name + 'DataGetter'
  • a getter for the error: resource name + 'ErrorGetter'


  • Vuex
  • Axios