
exercises for test automation

QA Masterclass

Excercise 1: Simple Calculator Test

Page to test: https://testpages.eviltester.com/styled/calculator

Write automation tests for the following testcases.

Test ID Steps Expected Result
C1 1. Type number values on both field
2. Choose plus operation
3. Click on the Calculate button
The result value is correct.
C2 Repeat C1 actions but instead of plus option use minus. The result value is correct.
C3 1. Type numbers in one of the fields and letters in the other
2. Choose divide operation
3. Click on the Calculate button
The result value is error.
C4 Repeat C3 using opposite order for Step 1. The result value is error.

Excercise 2: Alert Boxes

Page to test: https://testpages.eviltester.com/styled/alerts/alert-test.html

Write testcases checking that alert boxes show correct data and can be closed and then write corresponding automation tests.

Excercise 3: Element Attributes

Page to test: https://testpages.eviltester.com/styled/attributes-test.html

Write testcases checking that custom attributes have correct value and that the dynamically updated attributes get updated when clicking on button for the mentioned page and then write corresponding automation tests.

Excercise 4: Sloganizer

Page to test: https://eviltester.github.io/TestingApp/apps/sloganizer/version/3/sloganizer.html

Write testcases checking that by clicking on a button a new slogan is created and added to the list. Check also that after refreshing the page, list gets empty. Then write corresponding automation tests.

Excercise 5: Input Validation

Page to test: https://testpages.herokuapp.com/styled/validation/input-validation.html

Write testcases checking that input form gets validated and that result data represented after submission is correct. Then write corresponding automation tests.

Excercise 6: Timers

Page to test: https://testpages.herokuapp.com/styled/javascript-countdown-test.html

Write testcases checking that timer functions work correctly. Then write corresponding automation tests.

Excercise 7: Download a File

Page to test: https://testpages.eviltester.com/styled/download/download.html

Write testcases checking that a file can be downloaded and verify that the file name is correct. Check also download by redirection. Then write corresponding automation tests.

Excercise 9: Upload of file

Page to test: https://testpages.eviltester.com/styled/file-upload-test.html

Write testcases checking that a file can be uploaded and verify that the file name is correct. Then write corresponding automation tests.

Excercise 10: Table

Page to test: https://testpages.eviltester.com/styled/tag/table.html

Write testcases checking that table has correct order of rows and verify that the titles of columns are correct. Then write corresponding automation tests.