
Building on top of the "Meta-Learning Shared Hierarchies" repository of OpenAi.

Primary LanguagePython

Meta-Learning Shared Hierarchies

Code for Meta-Learning Shared Hierarchies.

Running Experiments
python main.py --task AntBandits-v1 --num_subs 2 --macro_duration 1000 --num_rollouts 2000 --warmup_time 20 --train_time 30 --replay False AntAgent

The MLSH script works on any Gym environment that implements the randomizeCorrect() function. See the envs/ folder for examples of such environments.

New Comments

  • Make sure to add the root directiory to the PYTHONPATH by running: export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:<path to mlsh>.
  • For now, I manually added the new gym environments to the gym folder in my system. I will make that cleaner later.