
Develops a hybrid sorting algorithm that combines quicksort with the best-performing quadratic sorting algorithm

Primary LanguageJava

Project Description


  1. To apply your understanding of sorting algorithms by writing your own Java program
  2. To extend your knowledge of sorting algorithms by writing a hybrid algorithm
  3. To demonstrate your knowledge of order statistics by performing an analysis of the hybrid algorithm


Requirement 1: Sorting Algorithms - General purpose implementation.

  • Implement selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort and quicksort in a single Java class (SortingAlgorithms.java), measure and output the (“wall clock”) time required for each algorithm to sort the array
  • Your implementation must contain a function with a signature as follows: long sort(String algorithm, float [] arr), where valid values for “algorithm” are one of: “selection”, “bubble”, “insertion”, “merge” or “quick”. The return value will be the time required to sort the array in milliseconds

Requirement 2: Graph of times.

  • Generate an array of randomly-generated values of varying lengths. The array lengths must be minimally every 50,000 up to 500,000... in other words: 50,000, 100,000, 150,000, ..., 500,000. Execute the algorithms above (selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort and quicksort) against a copy of the array. Keep track of the algorithm, the running times and the algorithm execution time.
  • Using an external tool — eg. Google Sheets, OpenOffice Calc or Excel — produce a chart of the algorithm, the running times and the algorithm execution time. This chart must look like Figure 1, with additional data for merge sort and quicksort included.

Requirement 3: Quicker than quicksort?

  • Implementat a new algorithm that will combine randomised quicksort with the quadratic sort of your choosing to make a faster hybrid sort. In an implementation of randomised quicksort, the algorithm selects a random element of the (sub-)array as a pivot. Your algorithm will run quicksort until the subarray size becomes small enough, the point at which quicksort likely becomes inefficient. On the “small-enough” subarray, your implementation will run the quadratic sort until the subarray is sorted
  • Implement this hybrid sort in a single Java class (QuickerThanQuicksort.java).
  • You must choose the following: Which quadratic sort will you use to sort the “small enough” subarray? What is the minimum number of elements in a subarray for quicksort? (Alternatively: what is the maximum size of a subarray to be sorted by the quadratic sort?)
  • While the quicksort algorithm normally does not return a value (i.e. it is a void function), your implementation will likely require the index of the pivot value so that it may be integrated with the rest of your implementation.
  • If the input to quicksort is the following 8-item array: [ 5, 2, 9, 12, 6, 8, 3, 7 ], the algorithm begins by randomly selecting one of these items to be the pivot. Assuming the value 6 (at index 4) is selected as the pivot, the quicksort algorithm proceeds as we discussed. The resulting array may be as follows: [ 5, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 ]. The algorithm returns the value 3 (the index of the pivot after the partition algorithm has been executed), indicating that the left subarray is [ 5, 2, 3 ] and the right subarray is [ 7, 8, 9, 12 ].