Miltydraft generator

Visit the app here.

An expanded version of, with saving/sharing drafts across sessions.

Getting started

To install a local copy of this app you can clone it from the Git Repo:

You will need to install the PHP dependencies with Composer by running composer install in the root directory

Lastly you'll need to create a .env file (also in the root directory). See .env.example for details.

Libraries and Dependencies

No huge dependencies on either the back-end or the front-end. Frontend runs on vanilla JS and Jquery (cause I'm lazy) and the Back-end is vanilla PHP (because, again, I'm lazy and laravel or whatever seemed like huge overkill). As such there's no build-system, or compiling required except for the steps described above. You will need to run it through Apache in order to make the URL rewriting work (for the draft page).

Understanding the App flow

  1. Players come in on index.php and choose their options.
  2. A JSON config file is created (either locally or remotely, depending on .env settings) with a unique ID
  3. That Draft ID is also the Draft URL: APP_URL/d/{draft-id} (URL rewriting is done via .htaccess)
  4. Players (or the Admin) make draft choices, which updates the draft json file (with very loose security, since we're assuming a very low amount of bad actors)