An expanded version of, with saving/sharing drafts across sessions.
To install a local copy of this app you can clone it from the Git Repo:
You will need to install the PHP dependencies with Composer by running composer install
in the root directory
Lastly you'll need to create a .env file (also in the root directory).
See .env.example
for details.
No huge dependencies on either the back-end or the front-end. Frontend runs on vanilla JS and Jquery (cause I'm lazy) and the Back-end is vanilla PHP (because, again, I'm lazy and laravel or whatever seemed like huge overkill). As such there's no build-system, or compiling required except for the steps described above. You will need to run it through Apache in order to make the URL rewriting work (for the draft page).
- Players come in on index.php and choose their options.
- A JSON config file is created (either locally or remotely, depending on .env settings) with a unique ID
- That Draft ID is also the Draft URL: APP_URL/d/{draft-id} (URL rewriting is done via .htaccess)
- Players (or the Admin) make draft choices, which updates the draft json file (with very loose security, since we're assuming a very low amount of bad actors)