
Interswitch Payment SDK for Android

Primary LanguageJava

Payment SDK for Android

Interswitch payment SDK allows you to accept payments from customers within your mobile application. The first step to ​using the ​Android SDK is to register as a merchant. This is described [here] (http://merchantxuat.interswitchng.com/paymentgateway/getting-started/overview/sign-up-as-a-merchant)

Download the latest SDK

Download the latest SDK from the link below


It consists of ​5 libraries:

  1. core.jar
  2. payment.jar
  3. payment-android-release.aar
  4. gson-2.​3.1.jar
  5. deviceprint-release-2.2.0.aar

Use Android Studio’s dependency management tool (Gradle) to add the libraries to your project.

Creating the project and adding libraries using Android Studio

  1. Download Android Studio 1.2.2 or later
  2. Create a new project
  3. Add core.jar, payment.jar, payment-android-release.aar, deviceprint-release-2.2.0.aar and gson-2.​3.1.jar to your project by putting them in the libs folder of the app.
  4. To add the payment-android-release.aar library, navigate to File -> New -> New Module -> Import .JAR/.AAR Package option in Android Studio.
  5. Select the payment-android-release.aar
  6. Repeat step 4 to step 5 to add deviceprint-release-2.2.0.aar to your project. Then select deviceprint-release-2.2.0.aar where apllicable.
  7. Finally, rebuild the project

Accepting Payments with Card

Ask the user for card details

In the onClick method of the button that asks the user to pay, add this code Please note, supply your client id and client secret you got after registering as a merchant

	//Setup client id and secret
    RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder()
	//Setup request parameters
	final PurchaseRequest request = new PurchaseRequest();
    //Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer
    request.setAmount(“100"); //Amount in Naira
    request.setPan(“5060100000000000012"); //Card No
    request.setPinData("1111"); //Card PIN
    request.setExpiryDate("2004"); // expiry date in YYMM format
    request.setTransactionRef(RandomString.numeric(12)); //unique transaction reference
    Context context = this; // reference to your Android Activity
    //Send payment
    new PaymentSDK(context, options).purchase(request, new IswCallback<PurchaseResponse>() {
    public void onError(Exception error) {
        // Handle and notify user of error
    public void onSuccess(PurchaseResponse response) {
        if (StringUtils.hasText(response.getOtpTransactionIdentifier())) {
           //OTP required
           //Ask user for OTP and authorize transaction using the otpTransactionIdentifier
		else { 
         //OTP not required
         //Handle and notify user of successful transaction

Accepting Payment with Wallet

First set your client id and client secret

	//Setup client id and secret
    RequestOptions options = RequestOptions.builder()

To load Verve wallet, add this code, use the resulting payment methods array to populate a spinner

    //Load Wallet
    final WalletRequest request = new WalletRequest();
    Context context = this; // reference to your Android Activity
    new WalletSDK(context, options).getPaymentMethods(request, new IswCallback<WalletResponse>() {
    public void onError(Exception error) {
        // Handle and notify user of error
    public void onSuccess(WalletResponse response) {
		PaymentMethod[] paymentMethods = response.getPaymentMethods(); 
		//Display payment methods in a Spinner

After populating the spinner, when the user selects an item and then clicks pay, use this code

	//Setup request parameters using wallet item
    final PurchaseRequest request = new PurchaseRequest();
    //Optional email, mobile no, BVN etc to uniquely identify the customer
	//Amount in Naira
    if (paymethodSpinner.getSelectedItem() == null) {
    request.setPan(((PaymentMethod) paymethodSpinner.getSelectedItem()).getToken());
	//Send payment
    new WalletSDK(context, options).purchase(request, new IswCallback<PurchaseResponse>() {
    public void onError(Exception error) {
        // Handle and notify user of error
    public void onSuccess(PurchaseResponse response) {
        if (StringUtils.hasText(response.getOtpTransactionIdentifier())) {       
			//OTP required
			//Ask user for OTP and authorize transaction using the otp Transaction Identifier
        } else { //OTP not required
           //Handle and notify user of successful transaction

##Checking status of payment

To check the status of a payment made, use the code below

	//pass the transaction ref and the amount as the parameters to getPaymentStatus()
	new WalletSDK(context, options).getPaymentStatus("117499114589", "100", new IswCallback<PaymentStatusResponse>() {
    public void onError(Exception error) {
        // Handle and notify user of error

    public void onSuccess(PaymentStatusResponse response) {
        //print response message

###Using android sdk to create Blackberry App To create a Blackberry app using the runtime for Android

  1. Create an android app as above using SDK provided for android
  2. Convert the app according to the instructions stated on Blackberry's website [here] (http://developer.blackberry.com/android/) and [here] (http://developer.blackberry.com/android/documentation/bb_android_studio_plugin_tool.html)