
GitHub last commit Issues
Python Version

How to run it

  1. git clone
    • paper_semantification includes a parser that relies on OpenAI public endpoints. To make it work a key is required.
      • Create an .env file in the same folder as docker-compose.yaml
      • Set the env variable OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-..."
  2. docker build -t paper_semantification . Build the docker image for the python service paper_sementification
  3. docker-compose up -d Run the whole application

Docker-compose contains two services:

  1. Database Neo4J can be access locally through http://localhost:7474, connect URL bolt://localhost:7687.
    • Authentication is disabled, thus ignore the fields related to authentication
  2. Our python service exposes its APIs through a FastAPI server http://localhost:8000/docs
    • You can call the different endpoints that our service exposes


The purpose of this task is to comprehensively process scholarly papers by leveraging metadata extraction services such as CERMINE and GROBID APIs.

Working Procedure

1. Input Processing

Extract metadata for each paper using CERMINE and GROBID (provided through API), including title, authors, affiliations, publication year, etc.

2. Entity Disambiguation

Utilize ORCID, DBLP, and Wikidata APIs for disambiguation:

  • Search paper title in DBLP for the DBLP ID.
  • Match author names with potential ORCID identifiers.
  • Cross-reference paper with Wikidata entries.

3. Validation

Compare results from CERMINE and GROBID; conduct manual checks for discrepancies. If DBLP data is present, match against CERMINE and GROBID results.

4. Knowledge Graph (KG) Construction

Create nodes for Proceedings, Event, Author, Paper, Affiliations. Ensure papers are connected to proceedings and event. Connect authors to affiliations and papers.

5. Output and Syncing

Store KG privately, ensuring security of personal data such as email addresses. If pushing to a public KG, sanitize private data. Synchronize entities linked to Wikidata.

Current Status of task

  • Access API
  • Utilize
  • Validation


  • 2024-01-19: Midterm coordination
  • 2024-03-22: Project result delivery
  • 2024-03-28: Final presentation