
Reference Data for Energy domain using SKOS

Energy Reference Data

Project to create common reference data to be used for Energy related business processes using Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) for structure, Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) for additional metadata and Common Information Model (CIM) as energy domain data


Here will be examples and tooling to convert existing data:

  • CIM/CGMES enumerations
  • ENTSO-E codelists
  • EIC
  • Common data from CGMES boundary
  • CIM Meter Reading Type and Quality


At the moment ther are 4 folders:

  • GeneratedData: data generated by scripts in Tools and can contain any serialisation
  • SampleData: data generated manually for exploring and providing examples for discussions
  • Tools: Tools to generate data (collect, transform, serialize) form different sources
  • docs: Data published to webpage (experimental for now)

Publications of data

Official publication:

Unofficial Resolvable publication:
