
Primary LanguageJava

Workshop 16

Dependencies to add

  • Json Dependency
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.glassfish/jakarta.json -->
  • Jedis Dependency

Local Testing

  • Setting up
set REDISHOST localhost
set REDISPORT 6379


    "name": "Mastermind",
    "pieces": {
        "decoding_board": {
            "total_count": 1
        "pegs": {
            "total_count": 102,
            "types": [
                    "type": "code",
                    "count": 72
                    "type": "key",
                    "count": 30
        "rulebook": {
            "total_count": 1,
            "file": "rulebook-ultimate-mastermind.pdf"
  1. we can see that 6 classes is needed for this JSON
  2. Therefore, 6 models are needed

Key Things to note in this workshop

  • All variables need to follow the Json file naming


  1. The controller used

For Json it is using rest controller not purely controller 2. The request mapping

@RequestMapping(path="/api/boardgame", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)

For Json, in the request mapping there is consume and produce 3. This part will fufil GET /api/boardgame/



  • all need to have getter and setter for all variables


  1. DecodingBoard only has total_count var therefore only 1 variable 2.Need to convert it to a Json Object using the following code
public JsonObjectBuilder toJSON(){
        return Json.createObjectBuilder()
                .add("totalCount", this.getTotal_count());


  1. Mastermind has 6 variables
  2. insertCount and updateCount is needed as stated in the workshop 3.isUpSert is based on task 3


  1. Pegs has total_count var and types obj
  2. total_count needs to be converted to JsOn obj
  3. types needs to be converted to Json obj
  4. Code
public JsonObjectBuilder toJSON(){
        JsonArrayBuilder arrbld = Json.createArrayBuilder();
        List<JsonObjectBuilder> listOfTypes = this.getTypes()
                            .map(t -> t.toJSON())
        for (JsonObjectBuilder x : listOfTypes)

        return Json.createObjectBuilder()
                .add("total_count", this.getTotal_count())
                .add("types", arrbld);


  1. Pieces have 4 obj decoding_board, pegs and rulebook
  2. All need to be converted to Json Obj
  3. Code
public JsonObjectBuilder toJSON(){
        return Json.createObjectBuilder()
                .add("decoding_board", this.getDecoding_board().toJSON())
                .add("pegs", this.getPegs().toJSON())
                .add("rulebook", this.getRulebook().toJSON());      


  1. Rulebook has total_count var and file obj
  2. All need to be converted to Json Obj
  3. Code
public JsonObjectBuilder toJSON(){
        return Json.createObjectBuilder()
                .add("total_count", this.getTotal_count())
                .add("file", this.getFile());


  1. Types have 2 var type and count
  2. Both need to be converted to Json Obj
  3. Code
public JsonObjectBuilder toJSON(){
        return Json.createObjectBuilder()
                .add("type", this.getType())
                .add("count", this.getCount());


  1. This is a service hence @Service is needed
  2. KIV on what is a service