
A general blockchain benchmark framework to test performance of multiple blockchain solutions

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Caliper Introduction

Caliper is a general purpose blockchain benchmark framework, which allows users to test different blockchain solutions with predefined use cases, and get a set of perfomance test results.

Currently supported blockchain soultions:

Currently supported performance indicators:

  • Success ratio
  • Transactions per second (TPS)
  • Transaction committing delay
  • Resource consumption (CPU, Memory, Network IO,...)

To learn more details , please refer to Architecture introduction.



Make sure following tools are installed

  • NodeJS 6.X
  • Docker
  • Docker-compose
  • Blockchain system for test

Run npm install to install dependencies locally

Install blockchain SDKs

  • Fabric

    • Clone fabric-sdk-node and run the headless tests to make sure everything is ok
    • Install fabric-client and fabric-ca-client from the SDK, e.g run npm install path-to-sdk/fabric-client path-to-sdk/fabric-ca-client in caliper's root folder, or just copy the node_modules from fabric-sdk-node project
  • Sawtooth

    • Clone sawtooth-core and run the ./bin/run_tests -m javascript_sdk to test the SDK
    • Install sawtooth-sdk from the SDK, e.g run npm install path-to-sdk/javascript in capliper's root folder.

Start a test

All predefined benchmark tests can be found in capliper/benchmark folder, starting a test is very easy, following the step:

  • Start the backend blockchain network for test manually. Now caliper does not support starting blockchain network automatically. Some example networks are defined in caliper/network folder.
    • Fabric - Fabric SDK supports creating channel and installing/instantiating smart contracts(a.k.a chaincodes) dynamically. Corresponding arguments can be defined in the configuration file (see the next step) and be used by fabric adaptor to prepare the test environment on demand.
    • Sawtooth - Sawtooth's transaction families must be installed before the test. Please see the example in caliper/network/sawtooth/simplenetwork, which can be used to start a sawtooth network along with the transaction family.
  • Go into the use case folder you want to test, modify the configuration file to define the network started in step 1, as well as other testing arguments. For more details of configuration, please refer to Configuration Introduction.
  • Run node yourtest.js yourconfig.json to start the test. Usually, the test file has the same name as the test case. If configuration file is not specified, config.json will be used by default.

Fabric Example:

# start a predefined fabric network
cd ~/caliper/network/fabric/simplenetwork
docker-compose up -d

# start the simple test case, default config.json is used
cd ~/caliper/benchmark/simple
node simple.js

# clear the environment after the test
docker-compose down
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)

Sawtooth Example:

# start a predefined sawtooth network
cd ~/caliper/network/sawtooth/simplenetwork
docker-compose -f sawtooth-default-validators-simple.yaml up

# start the simple test case, config-sawtooth.json is used
cd ~/caliper/benchmark/simple
node simple.js config-sawtooth.json

# clear the environment after the test
docker-compose -f sawtooth-default-validators-simple.yaml down
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)    

Write your own tests

Caliper provides a set of nodejs NBIs for applications to interact with backend blockchain system. Check the src/comm/blockchain.js to find the NBIs. Multiple Adaptors are implemented to translate the NBIs to different blockchain protocol. So developers can write a test once, and run the test with different blockchain systems.

Generally speaking, to write a new caliper test, you need to :

  • Write smart contracts for systems you want to test
  • Write a test flow using caliper NBIs. Caliper provides a default test framework, which can be used easily to write a new test. For more details, please refer to Test Framework .
  • Write a configuration file to define the backend network and test arguments.