
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


You can run the directory pytorch model with basic pytorch knowledge.

MSCMR orient:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cE5i68YUNhXrzUpldTV6ow 提取码: mj6p, and the desired dataset is as follows:

pytorch model/
├── dataset
│   ├── C0
|       ├── patient1_C0.nii.gz
|       ├── patient2_C0.nii.gz    
|       ├── patient3_C0.nii.gz 
|       ├── ...
│   ├── LGE
│       ├── patient1_LGE.nii.gz
|       ├── patient2_LGE.nii.gz    
|       ├── patient3_LGE.nii.gz 
|       ├── ...
│   ├── T2
|       ├── ...

The directory web application contains the front_end and back_end directories.The front_end is constructed with vue, and the back_end is constructed with Fastapi. It's reconmended to create a new environment with conda and install uvicorn and other basic requirements.