Index - (frontend)



Index is a digital bookshelf organiser. Index allows a users to catalog and organise their library or book collection on a virtual bookshelf. Users are therefore able to easily track their growing book collections or even create a wishlist library of books they want to read. Users are able to log in, as they are authorised using JWT and session storage. The app also allows users to view the digital bookshelves of other users. Users can use the search functionality to quickly find books with the Google Books API. Enhancing the social element. I had a lot of fun building this project, it allowed me to solidify my knowledge of relational databases and how a frontend and backend connect in a project. I also took it as an opportunity to learn how to use MySQL and the Sequelize ORM.




  • React
  • JavaScript


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MySQL
  • JWT


  • Log in
  • Look up a book using the Google books API
  • Add a book to personal library
  • View Library of other users

Getting Started

  • Clone the repo git clone
  • Install NPM packages npm install
  • Run start to view project in your localhost browser npm run start

Live Site

Future Updates to Implement

  • Allow users to delete books from their libraries
  • Allow users to add notes or reviews to a book in their library
  • Allow users to comment on books in libraries of other users