
national-project-week-room3_soc created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Bootcamper Workshop Tracker - (frontend)


This group project was created in Week 9 as part of a week-long project week at The School of Code. This application is designed to help bootcampers easily track their progress with the workshops assigned at The School of Code. Due to the fast-paced nature of the program, bootcampers can easily lose track of the workshops assigned during the course causing them to feel lost. The app is designed to be easy and quick to use. The UI is designed to be bright and lively to make using the app a pleasant and fun experience after a long day of coding bootcamp. Input fields are minimised as user research showed that bootcampers find multiple input fields tedious and tiring. The app was a great prep for our final project which will take place over the course of 4 weeks. We received some great feedback from the judges who seemed quite impressed with our team dynamic and final product.



  • React
  • JavaScript


  • Node.js
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL


  • Form on homepage allows user to easily and quickly input reflection on assigned workshop
  • On submit, reflection is added to a table on the backend where data is stored and persists
  • View all workshops reflection entries
  • Edit an entry
  • Delete an entry

Getting Started

  • Clone the repo git clone https://github.com/Hajara-I/national-project-week-backend.git
  • Install NPM packages npm install
  • Run start to view project in your localhost browser npm run start

Live Site

Future Updates to Implement

  • Add feature that allows users to log in and get authenticated
  • Add an optional field that allows users to add an optional long-form text reflection