
ALF assignment

Primary LanguageJava

ALF assignment

Info: You can find the logs in your /tmp/auth-server and /tmp/resource-server folders.

Coding policies

  1. Everyone should work on his own branch
  2. Please commit regularly
  3. At the end of your coding session, always push your changes
  4. Always request a review for your changes before merging into the master branch
  5. Use the GitHub Projects to track issues - E.g. create an issue if you find a problem that you are not going to fix in the current session

Start the current skeleton

  • Open two terminal windows:
  • terminal1: cd auth-server
  • terminal2: cd resource-server
  • Create the jar files: mvn package
  • Run them:
  • java -jar target/name-of-the-jar-file.jar -> currently it is authserver/resourceserver-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

API usage

Get an access token

Since there are two users added when the AuthorizationServer starts, you can use them: curl -i -X POST -u frontend:secret\?grant_type\=password\&username\=admin\&password\=admin

Access an endpoint

curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer your_access_token" http://localhost:8080/message

Register a new user

curl -i -X POST -d '{"name":"test","password":"test"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" curl -i -X POST -u frontend:secret\?grant_type\=password\&username\=test\&password\=test