
Mandelbrot Set Visualizer using GoLang

Primary LanguageGo

Mandelbrot Set Visualizer - Distributed Systems


  • You can download the executable for linux and run it using
$ ./executable
  • Or you can follow these steps:
  1. Make sure you have GoLang installed on your local machine https://golang.org/doc/install
  2. After you successfully install go, run the following command:
$ go get github.com/HakanSunay/mandelbrot
$ mandelbrot


-c float Fractal complexity (default 8)

-i int Mandelbrot loop maximum iterations (default 50)

-o string Name of the result file (default "zad18.png")

-r string Real and Imaginary Number Range (default "-2.0:2.0:-1.0:1.0")

-s string Dimensions: width x height (default "640x480")

-t int Amount of threads (default 1)
