Chat Application using multicasting

You need to implement a multicast chat application in which each participant can send and receive chat messages from all other participants. Before sending message the participant must be asked by the programm what type of message he should send.[TEXT, IMAGE, VIDEO].

HTTP Server

You need to implement HTTP Server which can handle GET and POST methods. You can use some browser for the client side.

Example with GET method: If the browser send the following request: localhost:8080/batman.png The server should search for image named batman.png on the machine and send the image(or whatever file is requested) to the browser. If the file is not present it should send a user friendly error to the browser. Different file types that server should be able to handle are videos, images, text files.

Example with POST method: You should be able to upload a random file to the server.

How to submit the homework

In order to submit your homework you must have github account. If you don't have github account you have to create one. Next you have to download the version control system - GIT. You can do it from the official web site

After you did the aforementioned steps you are ready to proceed.

In order to create copy of the repository you should fork (Click Fork button in the top right corner) the repository. By forking the repository you allow me to view the history of your work. (Uploading the whole project functionality at once will count as cheating).

Now after you have copied the repository you can download it locally and start working on the task you have choosen.

In order to download the project locally you need to use the following command: git clone

Inside the repository you forked, create a file named with your faculty number. For example 81XXX.

Your source code should be in package or com.fmi.mpr.hw.http depending on the task you have choosen.

For more information how to upload code from your local repository to the master repository you can use the following link

The end date of the homework is: 02 January 2019.