This e-commerce backend system uses Node, Express, and Sequelize ORM to connect to and interact with a MySQL database. The database itself is made up of four tables, Product, Category, Tag, and ProductTag, each of which are modeled using sequelize and interacted with using our Express api routes.
I am able to connect to the database using Sequelize. I used commands in MySql terminal to create the database. The schema and seeds were available through the files and was uploaded with the command node seeds/index.js in the git bash terminal. The user is able to verify is the information was created in MySQL terminal. The user will then be able to enter the command in git bash terminal to invoke the application. The server is started and the Sequelize models are synced to the MySQL database.
Run this two command after download repository.
npm run seed
npm start
The user will have to install Express.js, Sequelize, and MySQL 2.
All Birmingham Boot Camp Students can contribute.
Please click here to view the demo.
Please click here to view GitHub repository.
If you have any questions regarding this app, please contact me via:
- Email at
- GitHub at