Back-end Node application that allows the user to track their employees utilising a mysql database. The user has access to all the employees,employee roles,employee departments, employee titles and salaries. The app allows the user to edit the data, add and delete employees, departments and roles. This app is useful for providing information on your company in one central location allowing you to make informed decisions for your company.You can also reach all departments budgets and view them by employee id's. The app uses inquirer module to ask the user questions, the console. Table module to display the data in table format and mysql module for the database management.
Type node index.js
into your terminal. Press enter the user will be presented with a list of questions they can do in the app. The user selects the the option they want and follows the instructions that follow.
Type npm i
into your terminal to ensure you have all the necessary npm modules for the app to function correctly. I also recommend using your own mysql server credentials.
All Birmingham Coding Boot Camp students can contribute. Create your own branch and make a pull request when you have finished.
Please click here to view the demo.
Please click here to view GitHub repository.
If you have any questions regarding this app, please contact me via:
- Email at
- GitHub at