
C++ SDL Application. Vectors, shapes, ui, buttons, all from scratch. Pacman, breakout and tetris is complete. Asteroids TODO.

Primary LanguageMakefile


Following section explains the procedure on this repository step by step, used as a reminder for myself and other projects. Main purpose was to create a C++ game engine and an application that works on that engine in 2D space with basic rendering functionality. All classes and functions are also glued together with CMake.txt file on a very manual level. Steps are basically divided for easy readability.


  • Vector class created with basic mathematical functions.
  • Class to draw a line is created using Bresenham's line drawing algorithm.
  • Shape class created so that basic geometric shapes such as triangles, rectangles, circles are made possible in 2D space.
  • Each shape has the fillpoly function to color all pixels by each column of pixels within the boundaries so that shapes can have colors.

Graphics and Controls:

  • Color, Screen and Screenbuffer classes created. Using SDL Window properties, pixels are created and buffers are swapped.
  • Some static colors are premade for future use. Screen draw functions added on shapes to be able to draw the basic shapes.
  • A scene class is created to have scenes with different purposes, each scene representing a user interface or the game itself.
  • Basic input functions using SDL is created with left&right (A-D), up&down (W-S), accept&cancel (Q-E), push&modify (F-R).
  • Input functions for mouse movement and keys are also created but is not used much within the scope of this project.
  • A file command loader is implemented to be able to read from data written in text files for level design or other features.
  • Constants file is introduced to be able to access specific places on the app easily and manipulate specific parameters to test the application.
  • Each game class to create the game scene inherits from a game class for basic inheritence.

Breakout Game:

  • An excluder class to control collisions is implemented using intersect functions in shapes.
  • The paddle, ball and blocks are written using basic rectangles and this excluder properties.
  • Using excluder class, bounce mechanics with collision properties is implemented (Reverse bounce direction is not a bug, its a feature).
  • Levels are loaded from a txt file using the file command loader and loaded with collision properties on boundaries with three levels.
  • Gamestates and player lives are implemented.

Fonts and Sprites:

  • BMPtext and sprite classes are written so that specific images from bmp images can be pulled and used for our games.
  • Similarly, using a bmp image, a font is created for text display and UI features.
  • These features are colored with overlays and textured. (Ehem... Not Implemented Scene also?)
  • A class for button is implemented, this allowed me to have UI's with displayed text and the buttons could be chosen for further functionality.
  • UI movement is with A-D (up and down) and E-Q (accept and exit), creating a menu with button options.
  • This menu is used to access each game scene and the start scene for each game. Each game has highscore implementation (Not implemented yet, wtb time)
  • The app is restructured in such a way that the button options menu present us the four game choices, and each game has the actual game scene and the highscore scene.

Tetris Game:

  • Tetromino pieces are implemented using rectangle class and its properties. Each piece is given functions to rotation and input.
  • A piece is created for the actual input and the next piece is shown on the right side for the player to evaluate.
  • Tetris level is created to define boundaries. Similarly, bmpfont is used to display the score and other needed text.
  • Gamestates and the score feature is implemented and the difficulty is set up.

Animation and AI features:

  • An actor class is created to be used on cases where we have specific characters who are supposed to move on their own.
  • Animation frames are read from bmp images and listed so that they can be displayed within a specific duration or time.
  • Animated sprites for pacman, ghosts and the asteroids are created for future use.

Pacman Game:

  • Similarly, game is drawn and loaded from file command loader. Pacman level with walls txt file is added and file command loader is configured in such a way that this level is loaded when the game begins.
  • Each level part have access to excluder part if a wall exists. This excluder allowed me add collisions on walls.
  • With the actor class, pacman animation spritesheet is used to create the pacmanplayer class and its animated sprite. The same is done for ghosts, inky, blinky, pinky, clyde.
  • Pacmanghost class is also created using this actor class and can detect collisions on walls.
  • Pellets, bonus items like cherries and the super power nodes are added to give different functionality to game. Score is kept based on these pickups.
  • Ghost AI's and their states are implemented to make the game as challenging as possible for Pacman in pacmanghostai.
  • Game states and player lives are implemented. Using these features, ghosts are released and a game over state is implemented.

Asteroids Game:

  • Bmp image for all assets is provided under assets. Using these assets, animated sprites are created for asteroids and the spaceship.
  • Excluder collisions are used to set explosion states and detect collision situations.
  • The player controls a spaceship that can fire missiles at asteroids. Only three missiles can be fired at once. The spaceship can wrap around the screen as well.
  • Asteroids spawn randomly for player to watch out for and has states such as small, medium, large etc.
  • The spaceship's movement should be able to only move straight in the direction it is facing and be able to rotate around its centre to change its facing. (This is a bug and im currently working on it)
  • Game states are added to show cooldowns and scores and wait for the player to be ready.