
Repo for CoH i25/24 Docs


Repo for CoH i25/24 Docs

Server Incoming Commands and SPs

  • This folder contains SPs that are run at certain triggers
  • The ents update sp happens at regular intervals and this is what saves the last state of the character.
  • The map event update sp is triggered on an event starting on a particular map.
  • In both files, the variable values are set at the end, and in these files they are listed in order, starting from @P1's value.


  • This folder will hold reference PDFs that detail what each P# refers to.
  • P#s are NPC dialogues that are called and referenced throught the server-side bins.
  • This is currently a WIP so not all dialogues are available.
  • Ideally I will combine all of them into one searchable document at the end.
  • quickchat breakdown is also found here.
  • There is a detailed guide on how to create new popmenus or edit the existing quickchat menu already in-game.


PDFs are converted schemas with information on each indvidual column.

They are available individually in the folder OR as a zip for convenience.


GM Commands

This contains a text file of GM Server-sided commands and their required access levels to use.

Could help if you need GMs (or higher-level GMs) but not Admins.

As far as I can tell, there is currently no way to edit which level has access to which commands(to make your own GMs, for instance).

In the I24 Binaries there is c file called cmdgame.c, you should theorhetically be able to edit access levels or add new commands to the game in I24.

Other Files


As far as I can tell, this is being used by the server, so make sure to place it back into the dir it came from (\data\texts\English)

Add words here you want censored from chat by the client when "Filter Profanity" is on. Or leave them out. Funny read anyway.

title.def, v_title.def, p_title.def, i_titles.def

These files determine the available titles for players to choose from, by origin.

Title = Heroes

V Title = Villians

P Title = Prae

I Title = Incarnate?

These files also need to be placed in the right dir (\data\texts\English)

Other files will be added to this Repo as I find them, if they're useful.


Dialogue Builds


AutoCommand Document