
This script/program is made to extract infomation about ticket sells from safeticket.dk and send it in an email to the IT Unions there are specials deal for there menbers

Primary LanguagePython



This script/program is made to extract information about ticket sells from safeticket.dk and send it in an email to the IT Unions there are specials deal for there members.

Here are a list of the scripts arguments. Most of them are there to help configure it.
Note: This script will not send emails before the --send-emails argument is used.

usage: main.py [-h] [--debug] [--events] [--tickets] [--ticket-fields] [--ticket-stats] [--show-emails] [--send-emails]

SafeTicket Mailer

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --debug          Print a lot of info
  --events         Print all events
  --tickets        Print all the types of ticket of an event
  --ticket-fields  Print all the possible fields existion for the tickets
  --ticket-stats   Print ticket types and there stats for the event
  --show-emails    Display the email there is going to be sendt
  --send-emails    This will send the emails to the unions



Install systemd services

The script is meant to be run user a service user, so if you don't have one, create a service user and enable it as a linger with sudo loginctl enable-linger USER.

Now enter user service user sudo -u USER -i.

# Go to the home folder

# Git clone this project
git clone "https://github.com/Hal9k-dk/safeticket_mailer"

# enter the folder
cd safeticket_mailer

# Create symbolic links for everything bin running this script


Copy the config.example.py to config.py and change the variables in the file. There are a lot of comment/description for all the variables in the config-file that it shouldn't be a problem mail it work.

Check out the config.example.py file.

Start the systemd tiemr (scheduler for the service)

Check the systemd.service/safeticket-mailer.timer to figure out when it is running

systemctl --user enable --now safeticket-mailer.timer

A small library have been written to interact with Safeticket
