HTTP Questions


  • Name all of the parts of the url that you can remember. In your own words describe what they do.
  • Name the pieces of the following urls:
    • http://locahost:5000/animals/puppies?onlycute=1&size=medium#firstpuppy
  • Can a server use more than 1 port?
  • Why is https different than http?
  • How does a server interpret the following url's query paramter. What data structure does it create on the server?

HTTP Request/Response

  • Name at least 4 http verbs
  • What is each verb useful for in your own words
  • What does idempotent mean?
  • Name the 5 http status code ranges. What are they used for in general?
  • If a server returns a http status code of 301 and a location of, what does the browser do?
  • For the following HTTP headers, decide if the following header is used for requests, responses or both:
    • Accept
    • Content-type
    • User-agent
    • Set-cookies
    • Cache-control
    • Cookie
  • Is the following a http request or response? How do you know for each?
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 722
ETag: W/"2d2-Wu0We9N5g35FXWY+gOATLA"
Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 20:37:11 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css">
    <title>Student Roster</title>
      <h1>Student Roster</h1>
          <h3>Daenerys Targaryen</h3>
          <span>Student Id: nys8fbohl</span>
          <h4>Hobby: Motherhood</h4>
          <img src="" alt="Daenerys Targaryen" />
          <h3>Tyrion Lannister</h3>
          <span>Student Id: njehukbohe</span>
          <h4>Hobby: Traveling</h4>
          <img src="" alt="Tyrion Lannister" />
DELETE /students/n1vmyrw3x HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 0041e3c3-efdb-f0c3-b2f4-2d79f6d0f44b


  • Describe what JSON is. What is it used for.
  • Convert the following map into a javascript object then console log the age.
{ "company" : "Github", "age": 7, "categories" : "Services,Internet,Software"}
  • Convert the following to a javascript object. Console log each company name.
{ "Companies":[ { "company": "Github", "age": 7, "categories": "Services,Internet,Software"},
              { "company": "Airbnb", "age": 6, "categories": "Hotels,Travel"},
              { "company": "Square", "age": 7, "categories": "FinTech,Hardware + Software,Finance"},
              { "company": "Dropbox", "age": 11, "categories": "Cloud Data Services,Storage,Web Hosting"}
  • The following is javascript. Convert the object to a string and console log it.
var myObj = {
  company: "Galvanize",
  age: 3,
  categories: "Education"


  • Describe what DNS is.
  • In the terminal, type man curl. Look at the man page for curl. What do the following flags do? -v, -X. (Hint: to search for a string, type / then the text you want, then enter. To quit the man page, type q).
  • What is TCP/IP? How does it interact with HTTP?
  • Does HTTP break the data that is being sent into small packets? If not, what protocol is responsible for it?