
additional modul for SeisComP

Primary LanguagePython


Additional SeisComP module for optimizing the monitoring and processing system by: eQ_Halauwet (yehezkiel.halauwet@bmkg.go.id)

usages: copy q_seiscomp dir to seiscomp/lib/python

    register ts_latency to crontab:
        crontab -e
        */5 * * * * python /home/sysop/seiscomp/lib/python/q_seiscomp/ts_latency.py > q_seiscomp.log 2>&1

Demo video: https://youtu.be/FVi7mRas8M8.

run 3 main function after load the class instance

q_seiscomp.plot_ts_latency("STATION_CODE") --> to plot time series after register ts_latency to crontab latency_plot_single_sta latency_plot_multi_sts

q_seiscomp.check_existing_configuration() --> to check and fix mismatch station configuration

q_seiscomp.check_unexists_sts() --> to check and add unexists station on scproc observation area

[Searching area] latency_plot_multi_sts

[Detected new stations] latency_plot_single_sta

[Interactively ask to add each station] latency_plot_multi_sts

dependecies: numpy, pandas, scipy, basemap and shapely