PHP - Synchronized Data Structure Server

Primary LanguageHTML

ANYEM : PHP Synchronized Data Structure Server


ANYEM is an open source project, written in PHP.

The main objective of this project is to give the possibility for PHP Developers to :

  • Share variables between different PHP instances;
  • Share variables between different PHP Applications;
  • Synchronize access for variables;

ANYEM_SERVER Written in PHP and it is based on Socket.

It holds data in memory, and use Judy Array. Below is the exhaustive list of operations that ANYEM_SERVER can treat :

Operation Type Description
GET synchronized reserve a variable and returns his value;
PUT synchronized unreserve a variable and update his new value;
DELETE synchronized delete the variable from ANYEM_SERVER;
RELEASE synchronized unreserve a variable without changing his value;
READ not synchronized the value of the variable from ANYEM_SERVER;


PHP Package that contains classes to interact with ANYEM_SERVER



  1. Download both: ANYEM_SERVER and ANYEM_SHARED and place them in the same directory;

  2. ANYEM_SERVER requirements:

  3. Log4PHP : You can use the version delivered in the package or download Log4PHP from Apache Server

  4. Judy : You can build Judy for Linux or Windows Server by following the documentation from the official PHP web site: How to install Judy, or download the compiled DLL for Windows from the official PECL website: Judy DLL Do not forget to update your php.ini by adding judy library to the list of PHP Extension

  5. ANYEM_SERVER configuration: This configuration is pretty simple:

  6. Go to : ANYEM_SHARED/config and edit the file anyem_config_shared.properties

    port : designates the port on which ANYEM_SERVER will listen for connections;

    maxResourceSerializedLength: designates the maximum number of bytes read;

  7. Environment configuration: Add PHP installation directory to your PATH environment variable

Now, start your ANYEM_SERVER from command line php ANYEM_SERVER/anyem.app.server.impl/ServerImpl.php You should see the dump of the configuration used by the server and these three informations messages:

  1. socket created successfully...
  2. socket binded successfully...
  3. socket listening successfully...

Thats all for the server :)


  1. Download both: ANYEM_CLIENT and ANYEM_SHARED and place them in the same directory;

  2. ANYEM_CLIENT requirements:

  3. Log4PHP : You can use the version delivered in the package or download Log4PHP from Apache Server

  4. ANYEM_CLIENT configuration:

  5. You must copy the file that has been configured in ANYEM_SERVER/ANYEM_SHARED/config/anyem_config_shared.properties, Paste it in ANYEM_CLIENT/ANYEM_SHARED/config and keep the same file name

  6. Go to ANYEM_CLIENT/config and edit anyem_config.properties

    address : designates the ANYEM_SERVER address;

    defaultMaxAttempt : default value that designates the maximum number of attempts that the client can made to reserve a variable,vthis value can be changed by code;

    defaultDelayAttempt: default value that designates the delay in µSeconds between two reservation attempts, this value can be changed by code;

  7. USAGE (EXAMPLES) ```php require_once (DIR . '/../../ANYEM_SHARED/' . 'anyem.resource.impl/ResourceIdentifierImpl.php'); require_once (DIR . '/../../ANYEM_SHARED/' . 'anyem.resource.impl/ResponseWrapperImpl.php') ; require_once (DIR . '/../anyem.client.impl/ClientConnectionImpl.php'); require_once (DIR . '/../anyem.client.impl/AnyemClientImpl.php'); // get a new clientConnection Object using ClientConnectionImpl factory $clientConnection = ClientConnectionImpl::newClient(); // it is important to give an identifier to your object, it will be user as a unique ID by ANYEM_SERVER // the constructor of ResourceIdentifierImpl needs 3 parameters tha will help to identify more easily your variables $identifier = new ResourceIdentifierImpl("anyem.com", "anyemNameSpace", "a"); // now you can construct your AnyemClientImpl object, you can use it to get, put, delete, release and read your variable in your PHP script $anyemClient = new AnyemClientImpl($clientConnection, $identifier);

     // Example of : GET, Update and PUT a variable 
     // this mode is synchronzed, anyone who will attempt to do an update operation of this variable that it is 
     // identified by $identifier object, will wait until you will done
     try {
         $responseWrapper = $anyemClient->get($a);
     catch (Exception $e) {
         print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
     $a = $responseWrapper->getResource()->getData();
     // will give the content of $a from ANYEM_SERVER
     print_r ($a);
     // update $a
     // now the variable is released, someone else cas reserve it