
Friendly bindings for ZSH's vi mode

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Friendly bindings for ZSH's vi mode


Install this plugin with any ZSH plugin manager, or just source it from your .zshrc.


Additional key bindings

In INSERT mode (viins keymap), most Emacs key bindings are available. Use ^A and ^E for beginning and end of line, ^R for incremental search, etc. <Esc> or <C-[> quickly switches into NORMAL mode (vicmd).

Surround Bindings for ZSH text objects

ZSH has support for text objects since 5.0.8. This plugin adds the suggested bindings to use surround-type objects. For example, when in NORMAL mode with the cursor inside a double-quoted string, type ci" to change the contents of the string. Or type cs"( to change the quotes to parentheses. Type ds( to remove the parentheses. Type ys2W] to surround the following two Words with brackets.

In visual mode, type a[ to select the surrounding bracketed text (including the brackets), or type i' to select the text within single quotes. Type S< to put angle brackets around the selected text.

Mode-sensitive cursor styling

Change the color and shape of the terminal cursor with:

MODE_CURSOR_VICMD="green block"
MODE_CURSOR_VIINS="#20d08a blinking bar"
MODE_CURSOR_SEARCH="#ff00ff steady underline"

Use X11 color names or #RRGGBB notation for colors. The recognized style words are steady, blinking, block, underline and bar.

If your cursor used to blink, and now it's stopped, you can fix that with unset MODE_CURSOR_DEFAULT. The default (steady) is appropriate for most terminals.

If you are using tmux but $TMUX is not set (e.g., you're running zsh on a remote host), you may need to set TMUX_PASSTHROUGH=1 to get the cursor styling to work.

Mode in prompt

If RPS1 / RPROMPT is not set, the mode indicator will be added automatically. The appearance can be set with:


If you want to add this to your existing RPS1, there are two ways. If setopt prompt_subst is on, then simply add ${MODE_INDICATOR_PROMPT} to your RPS1, ensuring it is quoted:

# Note the single quotes
RPS1='${MODE_INDICATOR_PROMPT} ${vcs_info_msg_0_}'

If you do not want to use prompt_subst, then it must not be quoted, and this module must be loaded first before adding it to your prompt:

setopt NO_prompt_subst

# Load this plugin first, then later on ...

# Note the double quotes

Each time the line editor keymap changes, the text of the prompt will be substituted, removing the previous mode indicator text and inserting the new.

If your theme sets $MODE_INDICATOR, it will be used as a default for MODE_INDICATOR_VICMD if nothing else is set.

Mode for integration with other plugins

The $VIM_MODE_KEYMAP variable is set to viins, vicmd or isearch, for easy inspection from other plugins.


If you find this doesn't work with your terminal, your plugins, your settings or your version of ZSH, please open an issue. If it clobbers some setting that it shouldn't, please file a report.


Some of this code is mangled together from blogs, mailing lists, random repositories, and other plugins. If you have any licensing concerns, please open an issue so it can be addressed. That being said, to the extent possible:

This code is released under the MIT license.