
Sample scripts for using the Ricoh Theta api and custom libuvc-theta to enable Ricoh Theta V/Z1 video livestreams to Linux via USB.

Installation Guide

Main instructions taken from

  1. Install libucv-theta
git clone
sudo apt install libjpeg-dev
cd libuvc-theta
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
  1. Install libucv-theta-samples
git clone
cd libuvc-theta-sample/gst
  1. Install v4l2loopback for gst_loopback example.
git clone
cd v4l2loopback
sudo make install
sudo depmod -a
sudo modprobe v4l2loopback

Installation Problems

When installing v4l2loopbach I had to use sudo ie sudo make && sudo make install. I was attempting to build on Kinetic which has caused other people issues. If you encounter errors building v4l2loopback try this first.


Decode and display sample using gstreamer. You may need gstreamer1.0 develpment packages to build and run.


Feed decoded video to the v4l2loopback device so that v4l2-based application can use THETA video without modification.

CAUTION: gst_loopback may not run on all platforms, as decoder to v4l2loopback pipeline configuration is platform dependent

Lines of note:

  • Line 188: pipe_proc = .... - Defines the gstreamer elements for gst_loopback. Currently decodes the stream and directs it to v4l2sink to render video on /dev/video1
  • Line 192: pipe_proc = .... - Defines the gstreamer elements for gst_viewer. Currently decodes the stream and renders the video on the display.
  • Line 248: res = thetauvc_get_stream_ctrl_format_size(...) - Defines the streaming settings of the camera. THETAUVC_MODE_FHD_2997 = 2K, THETAUVC_MODE_UHD_2997 = 4K. Currently 2K is recommended to ensure realtime performance

Other useful documentation

Webpage for resources on Ricoh Development on Linux: Theta community forum page for live streaming Ricoh Theta over USB on Linux: