OFXOPENNI FOR MAC ================== The ofxOpenNI module is a wrapper for the openNI + NITE + SensorKinect libraries/middleware. Currently is still in pre-beta and only works/tested this on Mac. INSTALLATION ============ Go to your addons directory, and follow these commands git clone https://github.com/roxlu/ofxOpenNI.git cd ofxOpenNI git checkout experimental HOW TO SETUP YOUR APPLICATION ============================== - In XCode, create a new group "ofxOpenNI" - Draw these directories from ofxOpenNI into this new group: ofxOpenNI/src - Add a search path to: ../../../addons/ofxOpenNI/include/ - Copy the "ofxOpenNI/mac/copy_to_data_path" to your bin/data directory of your application. - Drag and drop the file: bin/data/openni/lib/libOpenNI.dylib into your project