Extended features for @angular/material components
- 3
Upgrade to Angular 17
#190 opened by MurhafSousli - 2
Exporting Number Cell not recognised in Excel
#131 opened by teamNila - 1
Cannot read properties of null (reading '_headerRowOutlet') with angular material 15
#185 opened by chaitanyas-hdoc - 2
Custom Exporter Error with Angular 14 (error TS2554: Expected 1 arguments, but got 0)
#188 opened by NA-Jalilius - 6
Custom Exporter Angular 14
#168 opened by stokkup-dev - 5
Support for angular@16
#183 opened by PatrickSpies - 5
- 1
- 1
how to hide mat select in xlsx which is available inside one of the column of mat table
#128 opened by shubhammathur92 - 4
"cdk-table-exporter" warning with "xlsx"
#133 opened by NevenLiang - 0
Cannot install 10.2.4
#186 opened by nonnodacciaio - 2
bug when use mat-table-exporter with paginator
#172 opened by EstherMalam - 2
- 0
- 1
PDF export
#118 opened by umar0645 - 1
- 1
Compilation problem with angular 13
#134 opened by Dhenaux - 1
paginator error
#174 opened by Saiprasadsharma - 0
MatTableFilter does not work angular material v15
#170 opened by lucabarbe88 - 0
Not work with angular material v15
#165 opened by marcins89 - 9
Support for Angular Material v15
#171 opened by AndresCarvalloABM - 6
Angular 14 Support
#155 opened by billyjov - 0
- 1
Last page data is missing in the export
#157 opened by BoppertF - 1
- 2
ERROR in node_modules/cdk-table-exporter/lib/options.d.ts(8,51): error TS2304: Cannot find name 'Exclude'.
#119 opened by tharshz - 0
no emod property
#150 opened by apache261 - 0
Global Filter - Mat table filter
#144 opened by Sam-vlc - 4
- 1
- 1
Change the filename at runtime
#130 opened by tonydrake - 2
Update xlsx 0.16.9 to 0.17.0
#125 opened by SGTMcClain - 0
support rtl sheet option
#127 opened by behroozbc - 2
ng test with karma won't work.
#122 opened by csanctis - 4
My problem with properyOptions
#114 opened by laurentiubl - 0
Two tables in the same page produces csv with trailing space and space at the end of each column
#107 opened by pantonis - 0
toggleRow() method doesn't work on array
#108 opened by pooja-s-yadav - 22
Reduce bundle size by async importing xslx
#104 opened by stnor - 3
Import from XLSX dist folder causing errors
#106 opened by pongells - 1
How can I reset only selected rows
#105 opened by pooja-s-yadav - 1
Can't resolve 'util'... \node_modules\mat-table-filter\__ivy_ngcc__\fesm2015 - Angular 11
#98 opened by hamedsbt - 3
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null (mat-table-filter)
#93 opened by vjdaccache - 1
Angular 11 build Warning: mat-table-filter\__ivy_ngcc__\fesm2015\mat-table-filter.js depends on 'util'. CommonJS or AMD dependencies can cause optimization bailouts.
#101 opened by hamedsbt - 2
Dependency tree issue
#92 opened by annamj17 - 4
Error building matTableExporter
#96 opened by starscr3am77 - 8
- 1
util.js: ReferenceError: process is not defined
#95 opened by rwb196884 - 1
- 1
Hidden columns in table not exported
#87 opened by pantonis - 1