Example Package

This is a simple example package. You can use Github-flavored Markdown to write your content.


Build dist

pip install --upgrade pip build
python -m build

Run secure container with no capabilities' user:

docker run -it --rm --cap-drop ALL --user 1000 noname

Gunicorn recommends using (2 x <num_of_cores>) + 1 workers. This mean that a single CPU container, should spawn 3 workers. By default, Docker container has access to all host's CPU's. Gunicorn command for container:

gunicorn -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker --workers 3 -b --worker-tmp-dir /dev/shm noname.main:app

For development, we can use uvicorn server with reload

uvicorn noname.main:app --reload

We can test performance by executing:

ab -n 50 -c 5 -k http://local.awaitq.com:8000/

We could use Poetry for dependency management, but only for local (non docker). In docker, we could export from portainer requirements.txt file and install dependencies by pip.


We can use symbols like head, heads or base, current to specify the current revision(s).

alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Migration message."
alembic revision -m "Migration message"
alembic upgrade head
alembic upgrade +1
alembic downgrade -1
 alembic upgrade <previous>:<current> --sql
 alembic downgrade <current>:<previous> --sql
alembic downgrade head:base --sql
alembic downgrade base