
Extension of git-merge that accept branch naming patterns

Primary LanguageShellGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


git-octopus is a set of git commands that is meant to manage feature branching in a continuous integration/delivery workflow.

##Installation The only requirement is to have a command shasum in the path. This is the case on most unix based systems. If you're on Windows/Cygwin you may have to install it.

###Homebrew If you know and use Homebrew, you just need to do:

brew update
brew install git-octopus

###From sources Download the latest release or clone this repository. Go into the directory and type

make install

Make sure the installation works

git octopus -v

What you'll find

Two additionnal git commands :

git octopus

Extends git merge with branch naming patterns. For instance

git octopus features/*

Merges all branches named features/ into the current branch. See git-octopus(1).

git conflict

Allows you to record conflicts resolutions that git octopus can reuse. Conflicts resolutions are standard refs so they can be pushed/fetched. See the conflicts management section bellow and git-conflict(1).


What is it all about ?

Feature branching and continuous integration don't live well together. The idea of this project is to reconcile those two by using the mighty power of git.

I gave a talk about why and how to use it at Devoxx France 2015, but it's in french ;) https://www.parleys.com/tutorial/le-continuous-merge-chez-lesfurets-com

###The branching model The simpliest form of the model is to have a mainline branch, let's call it master, and feature branches on top of that master. In a continuous delivery workflow you won't need more than that.

  • The master branch, or however you call it, is in a ready-to-ship state. Nobody commits on it.
  • A feature branch is a change, as small as possible, that can bring the master from a ready-to-ship state to an other.

This means that all the work is done in feature branches. Don't be afraid to have many, one branch per developer is fine. Keep feature branches independent from each other, that's the key for having a fluent delivery pipe.

###The workflow git octopus allows you to merge all you feature branches together at any moment so you can have an assembly of all the work that is going on and finally do a continuous integration job on that merge. here's how it works :

A developer pushes a change on his feature branch. There is a job in your continuous integration system that will trigger and do this bash command :

git octopus origin/features/* origin/master && git push origin +HEAD:octopus

This job computes a merge with all feature branches and the master, and then pushes the result on a branch octopus on origin. The new merge commit on octopus will now trigger an other job that will build and deploy this merge on your test servers etc ... Note that the octopus merge is not kept in any history line. The next push on any feature branch will trigger the build of a new merge that will be forced push again on octopus.

Once a feature branch is validated on your test environment, you can merge it on master.

Managing conflicts

If git-octopus fails, it will do a diagnostic sequence to figure out the conflict precisely. It can lead to two cases :

  • A conflict has been found

    1. Ask yourself if you could avoid that conflict. Rewriting the history is possible as long as you're alone working on the branch.

    2. Use git-conflict to record a resolution and push it to origin. See the documentation for more details.

    3. Consider to remove one of the conflicting branches from the continuous integration (I.E. rename the branch so it won't get caught in the merge) and wait for the other to be merged in master. Then you'll be able to update and resolve the conflict.

    4. Rebase one branch on top of the other (depending on which one you want to ship first). This has to be the last resort because you'll loose branches independency.

  • No conflict found

    1. Someone else might breaks the merge, look at previous octopus job executions.

    2. You felt in a complex case. There are ongoing works to prevent that from happening but for the moment this might happen. Don't hesitate to open an issue !