Responsive image extension for Bolt CMS using sizes and srcset.
To install, run the following command in your Bolt root directory:
composer require ivovalchev/image-extension
Use the extension in any twig template:
{{ responsive_image(record|image) }}
The extension config is located at config/extensions/ivovalchev-imageextension.yaml
Example custom configuration:
widths: [ 340, 680, 960, 1260 ]
heights: [ 300, 600, 840, 1100 ] # Optional. If heights is not set, the height will be relative to the width.
fit: default # Uses Bolt's `thumbnail` fit options. Pass an array, e.g. [ crop, fit, crop ] to adjust for different widths.
class: 'blog-image'
sizes: ["(min-width: 1260px) 1260px", "(min-width: 780px) 680px", "(min-width: 480px) 340px", "100vw"]
Then, to use the custom config in twig:
{{ responsive_image(myimage, 'for_blogpost') }}
{{ responsive_image(myimage, 'default', {'widths': [400, 500, 600, 700] }) }}
Alternatively, using Twig named arguments:
{{ responsive_image(myimage, options={'widths': [400, 500, 600, 700]}) }}
Note: In the example above, any config option that is not supplied will be defaulted to the config name 'default'
If you get the following error message
Argument 1 passed to IvoValchev\ImageExtension\Twig\ImageExtension::getResponsiveImage() must be an instance of Bolt\Entity\Field\ImageField or null, array given
it probably means that you are trying to pass the image value, rather than the image itself to the responsive_image
function. This happens most often inside a set.
If you bump into this, update your twig template:
From using a set like this:
{{ responsive_image( }} {# given section is a field of type set #}
To this:
{{ responsive_image( }} {# note the `.value` #}