Fuzzing JavaScript Engines with Aspect-preserving Mutation

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Repository for "Fuzzing JavaScript Engines with Aspect-preserving Mutation" (in S&P'20). You can check the paper for technical details.


Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 with following environment.

  • Python v3.6.10
  • npm v6.14.6
  • n v6.7.0

General Setup

For nodejs and npm,

$ sudo apt-get -y install npm
$ sudo npm install -g n
$ sudo n stable

For redis-server,

$ sudo apt install redis-server

we choose clang-6.0 to compile afl and browsers smoothly.

$ sudo apt-get -y install clang-6.0

DIE Setup

To setup environment for AFL,

$ cd fuzz/scripts
$ sudo ./prepare.sh

To compile whole project,

$ ./compile.sh

Server Setup

  • Make Corpus Directory (We used Die-corpus as corpus)
$ git clone https://github.com/sslab-gatech/DIE-corpus.git
$ python3 ./fuzz/scripts/make_initial_corpus.py ./DIE-corpus ./corpus
  • Make ssh-tunnel for connection with redis-server
$ ./fuzz/scripts/redis.py
  • Dry run with corpus
$ ./fuzz/scripts/populate.sh [target binary path] [path of DIE-corpus dir] [target js engine (ch/jsc/v8/ffx)]
# Example
$ ./fuzz/scripts/populate.sh ~/ch ./DIE-corpus ch

It's done! Your corpus is well executed and the data should be located on redis-server.


To check the redis-data,

$ redis-cli -p 9000> keys *

If the result contains "crashBitmap", "crashQueue", "pathBitmap", "newPathsQueue" keys, the fuzzer was well registered and executed.

Client Setup

  • Make ssh-tunnel for connection with redis-server
$ ./fuzz/scripts/redis.py
  • Usage
$ ./fuzz/scripts/run.sh [target binary path] [path of DIE-corpus dir] [target js engine (ch/jsc/v8/ffx)]
# Example
$ ./fuzz/scripts/run.sh ~/ch ./DIE-corpus ch
  • Check if it's running
$ tmux ls

You can find a session named fuzzer if it's running.


We used d8 to profile type information. So, please change d8_path in fuzz/TS/typer/typer.py before execution.

cd fuzz/TS/typer
python3 typer.py [corpus directory]

*.jsi file will be created if instrumentation works well. *.t file will be created if profiling works well.


If you find bugs and get CVEs by running DIE, please let us know.

  • ChakraCore: CVE-2019-0609, CVE-2019-1023, CVE-2019-1300, CVE-2019-0990, CVE-2019-1092
  • JavaScriptCore: CVE-2019-8676, CVE-2019-8673, CVE-2019-8811, CVE-2019-8816
  • V8: CVE-2019-13730, CVE-2019-13764, CVE-2020-6382



  title        = {{Fuzzing JavaScript Engines with Aspect-preserving Mutation}},
  author       = {Soyeon Park and Wen Xu and Insu Yun and Daehee Jang and Taesoo Kim},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland)},
  month        = may,
  year         = 2020,
  address      = {San Francisco, CA},