
Scary Auras and Nice Sprites

Primary LanguageC


A 2D fighting game with engine written in C using SDL.


  • Controller hotswapping
  • GPU accelerated rendering
  • Windows, Mac, and Linux support
  • Animage: A custom image format designed for easy palette swapping at loadtime
  • Anpalette: A swappable palette system that works in tandem with animage


  • Stereo audio
  • Simple sample game running in the engine
  • Code cleanup

Building on Linux

Install SDL2 with your package manager.

On Arch based systems:

pacman -S sdl2

Run make.

Building on Windows

  • Download SDL2's MinGW-w64 distribution from the wiki.
  • Install MinGW-w64 based tools.
  • Copy the SDL2.dll file from the SDL2 distribution into the root directory of the repository.
  • Run mingw32-make SDL_DIR=C:\Path\To\SDL2-2.0.x\x86_64-w64-mingw32