
A Visual Studio Code extension for auto typing.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Introducing HamedStack! For all my latest libraries, visit: Explore HamedStack. Replacements and updates are available at the link. Thank you for your support! The new version of this library is accessible via HamedStack.Replay.VSCode


Live coding is the best way for teaching and sharing your knowledge with others but as you know this is not easy! The idea behind writing this extension is to have live coding with a hundred percent accuracy and less stressful moments!

You can achieve the goal in two different ways:

  1. Recording everything via macros.
  2. Replay a pre-defined script.

For the first approach, it is fast but not accurate because you are recording your mistakes too, so, I am using the second one to nail it!


You have full control of the script that you want to type:

  • Move the cursor in any direction and number you want.
  • Using predefined utility commands to simplify the typing process.
  • Calling commands available in VS Code e.g Format the document by editor.action.formatDocument.
  • Present your code perfectly with manual and automatic pause/resume cycle.



For using this extension, first you should create a .vscreplay file. Anything in this file will auto-type exactly as you have like all characters, new lines, spaces, and so on but you can change the way of typing with the operational characters and commands that are provided before.

replay and pause commands just work when you have a .vscreplay file in your active editor.

For example a file like:

file: ./folder1/folder3/sample.js
line: 0
col: 0
clean: true
save: true
// What is Jest?
// Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.
// How should we write a test with Jest?
⧉ delete-all
// (1) Install Jest using your favorite package manager:
// npm install --save-dev jest
// or
// yarn add --dev jest
⧉ waitn:3:Creating functionality	

// (2) Create a 'sum.js' file:
function sum(a, b) {⮒⮒}⇥
↑↑  return a + b;↓
module.exports = sum;
⧉ waitn:3:Creating test file	

// (3) Create a file named 'sum.test.js'. This will contain our actual test:
const sum = require('./sum');
test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {⮒⮒});⇥
↑↑  expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);↓
⧉ waitn:3:Configuration

// (4) Add the following section to your 'package.json':
  "scripts": {
    "test": "jest"
⧉ waitn:3:Running the test
// (5) Finally, run 'yarn test' or 'npm test' and Jest will print this message:
// PASS  ./sum.test.js
// ✓ adds 1 + 2 to equal 3 (5ms)

The sample file is also accessible from here.

Operational Characters

Name Description
up Move the cursor up one line
down Move the cursor down one line
right Move the cursor right one character
left Move the cursor left one character
first Move the cursor to the beginning of the first line
last Move the cursor to the beginning of the last line
begin Move the cursor to the beginning of the line
end Move the cursor to the end of the line
newline Adding a new line
remove-newline removng next new line
whitespace Adding a whitespace
backspace Delete the character to the left of the cursor
pause Pause the running process and ask user to continue via dialog
command Adding some useful functionality to your script
boost Sometimes you want to go to specific part of the content with maximum speed.
All waits and pauses will cancel until this character in your content.
You can use this character just once in whole of your script.
↯↯ double-boost It works exactly the same as boost but with a pause. It means after reaching the double boost you should confirm for resume.

You can use a number after the below operational characters to write less repetitive code:

Name Description
↑2 up-more Move the cursor up {N} lines
↓10 down-more Move the cursor down {N} lines
→5 right-more Move the cursor right {N} characters
←7 left-more Move the cursor left {N} characters
⮒3 newline-more Adding {N} new lines
⟿4 whitespace-more Adding {N} whitespace
⌫8 backspace-more Delete {N} characters to the left of the cursor
⭯6 pause-more Pause for {N} seconds

If you set 0 for the count, the extension automatically considers it as 1.


Name Description
⧉ goto:1:5 goto go to the specified line and column, you can use eol for end of line and ll for last line e.g goto:ll:eol
⧉ delete:1 delete-line delete whole content of the line and line itself, you can use ll for last line
⧉ empty:1 empty-line delete whole content of the line but keep the line empty, move the cursor to the beginning of the line, you can use ll for last line
⧉ delete-after:1:5 delete-after delete characters after the specified line and column, column {N} also deletes, the deletion applies only to the specified line, you can use eol for end of line and ll for last line
⧉ delete-before:1:5 delete-before delete characters before the specified line and column, column {N} also deletes, the deletion applies only to the specified line, you can use eol for end of line and ll for last line
⧉ delete-area:1:5:2:9 delete-area delete characters of the specified positions, you can use eol for end of line and ll for last line
⧉ delete-all delete-all delete whole content
⧉ execute:editor.action.formatDocument execute execute the specified command of VS Code.
⧉ duplicate-line-after:1 duplicate-line-after duplicate the line after it, you can use ll for last line
⧉ duplicate-line-before:1 duplicate-line-before duplicate the line before it, you can use ll for last line
⧉ selectn:10:1:5:2:14 selectn select the specified line and column for seconds, you can use eol for end of line and ll for last line
⧉ copy:1:5:2:14 copy copy the specified line and column, you can use eol for end of line and ll for last line
⧉ cut:3:4:6:eol cut cut the specified line and column, you can use eol for end of line and ll for last line
⧉ paste:6:5:7:20 paste paste the specified line and column, you can use eol for end of line and ll for last line
⧉ waitn:10
⧉ waitn:10:comment
waitn waiting for {N} seconds with a comment if you set
⧉ wait
⧉ wait:comment
wait Showing a Yes/No dialog with a comment if you set
⧉ speed
⧉ speed:speed:delay
speed Control the speed and delay of typing
⧉ memory:clip1:1:4:6:10 save save the content of the specified area in memory with the variable name of clip1, variable name should start with a letter and contains letters & numbers, you can use eol for end of line and ll for last line
⧉ restore:clip1:0:7:3:22 restore restore the content of clip1 variable in the specified area, variable name should start with a letter and contains letters & numbers, you can use eol for end of line and ll for last line


Each .vscreplay should have a setting on top of the .vscreplay file.

file: ./folder1/sample1.js
line: 0
col: 0
speed: 20
delay: 250
bspeed: 20
bdelay: 250
clean: true
next: ./sample2.vscreplay
save: true
info: true
Name Optional Default Description
file No - The target file that you want to type into it.
line Yes 0 The starting line for typing.
col Yes 0 The starting column for typing.
speed Yes 20 The speed of typing. (0 <= speed <= 200)
delay Yes 250 The random delay between of typing. (0 <= speed <= 400)
bspeed Yes 20 The backspace speed of typing. (0 <= speed <= 200)
bdelay Yes 250 The random backspace delay between of typing. (0 <= speed <= 400)
clean Yes true It Cleans the target file's content if it is true
next Yes - The next .vscreplay file you want to call after finishing auto typing of this file.
save Yes true Save the final result automatically if it is true
info Yes true Show all info dialogs about pause times if it is true

You should use the relative path for the file and next settings. The root for the starting point is your VS Code workspace folder.



Copy and paste the characters from this tutorial is not a good way! To work easier you can use the below snippets.

Name Snippet
up replay-up
down replay-down
right replay-right
left replay-left
first replay-first
last replay-last
begin replay-begin
end replay-end
newline replay-newline
remove-newline replay-remove-newline
whitespace replay-whitespace
backspace replay-backspace
pause replay-pause
up-more replay-up-more
down-more replay-down-more
right-more replay-right-more
left-more replay-left-more
newline-more replay-newline-more
whitespace-more replay-whitespace-more
backspace-more replay-backspace-more
pause-more replay-pause-more
boost replay-boost
double-boost replay-double-boost
command replay-command
goto replay-command-goto
delete-line replay-command-delete-line
empty-line replay-command-empty-line
delete-after replay-command-delete-after
delete-before replay-command-delete-before
delete-area replay-command-delete-area
delete-all replay-command-delete-all
execute replay-command-execute
duplicate-line-after replay-command-duplicate-line-after
duplicate-line-before replay-command-duplicate-line-before
selectn replay-command-selectn
copy replay-command-copy
cut replay-command-cut
paste replay-command-paste
waitn replay-command-waitn
wait replay-command-wait
speed replay-command-speed
memory replay-command-memory
restore replay-command-restore
Setting replay-setting


For manual control on auto typing you can use the following shortcuts:

Action Window/Linux Mac
Pause alt+ctrl+shift+p alt+cmd+shift+p
Resume alt+ctrl+shift+r alt+cmd+shift+r

Release Notes


  • The first release.


  • The boost operational character is added.


  • The double-boost operational character is added.


  • The selectn command is added.
  • The speed command is added.
  • The esbuild bundler is added.
  • The backspace speed and delay configurations are added.


  • The memory command is added.
  • The restore command is added.
  • The ll (last line) is added.


I am heavily inspired by auto-type to implement this extension.

Replay icons created by Andrean Prabowo - Flaticon