
Music bots are always what gives an artistic touch to servers, but Rexom gives a different touch.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Music bots are always what gives an artistic touch to servers, but Rexom 🎵 gives a different touch.


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Features ✨

There are many advantages that make you use reXom!!

  1. First Bot using discord-buttons like a controle panle
  2. Support's all new Discord interactions Updates (discord-buttons, slash-commands, context menu)
  3. Save Playlist on the bot database
  4. possibility to control all bot settings with commands (change prefix, change lang ['ar', 'en'], dj role)
  5. 30+ commands
  6. supports 700+ online music websites like Spotify and Soundcloud
  7. fast discord api connection
  8. fast sqlite databases
  9. distinguished message collector to play music
  10. simple dashboard support any domains

some photos if the bot 🖼

how to use reXom 🛠️

its easy to use rexom :)

Requirements 📜

  1. Make You won discord bot

first go to Discord Developer Portal login with your discord account press new appliactin type the appliactin name and press Create set your appliactin/bot icon and description/about me choose form the navbar in the left Bot option press add bot and yes, do it! Make sure the PRESENCE INTENT and SERVER MEMBERS INTENT options are enabled then chose form the navbar in the right OAuth2 scroll down and chose bot and applications.commands options then scroll down more and choose the bot permissions you won't i suggest the Administrator permissions then copy the url(this is the bot invite url) and invite it

  1. make sure you have Git, VS Code, nodejs in your pc (this is only required if you using computer)

Get Started 🚀

if you using your computer follow my steps!

  1. press right click any ware in your disktop and chose git bash here
  2. then he well open a cmd for you type this command inside: git clone https://github.com/DevelopersSupportAR/rexom.git
  3. after that he will fork the github repo, okay now go inside the forked folder with this command: cd rexom
  4. find a folder could config and open the bot.json file (make sure if you using computer to open this file with VS Code)
  5. you well find thar thing like this:
  "activity": {
    "name": "<The Bot Activity Name (that waht is the bot will type in his activity)>",
    "type": "<The Bot Activity Type (that what is the bot activity type  will be ['PLAYING', 'LISTENING', 'WATCHING', 'COMPETING'])>"
  "status": "<The Bot Status (that what is the bot status will be ['dnd', 'online', 'idle])>",

  "domain": "<The Bot Website Domain (the dashboard domain)>",
  "clientID": "<The Bot Id (that you will find it in the OAuth2)>",
  "clientSECRET": "<The Bot Secret (that you will find it in the OAuth2)>",

  "mainPrefix": "<The Bot Prefix (that what the bot will starts commands)>",
  "mainLang": "<The Bot Lang, only: ['ar', 'en']>",
  "ownerID": "<The Onwer Id (this is importing for sent the full updates for the bot)>",

  "panelType": "<the type of the contorle panel ['buttons', 'reactions', 'none']>",
  "replyType": "<the type of bot reply ['embeds', 'messages']>",

  "leaveOnEmpty": "<if you won't to make the bot leave the voice channel when the queue is empty but 'true' if not but 'false'>",
  "leaveOnStop": "<if you won't to make the bot leave the voice channel when you type the stop command but 'true' if ot but 'false'>",
  "leaveOnFinish": "<if you won't to make the leave the voice channel when it's done type 'true' if not type 'false'>",
  "searchSongs": "<type how many songs you son't the bot send it the search menu if you don't wont the search menu type 0>",
  "api": {
    "spotify": {
      "clientID": "<if you have an spotify clientID if not but none>",
      "clientSECRET": "if you have an spotify client secret if not but none"

when you finaly edit it go to .env file you well find thar thing like this:

TOKEN="<The Bot Token Right Here(you will find it on discord developer portal)"

if you using replit just go to secrits on right and set TOKEN as a key then set The Bot Token Right Here(you will find it on discord developer portal) as a value now go to Discord Developer Portal from the side bar on the left choose OAuth2 and but a redirect url its have to like you domain link and /callback like this https://<The Project Name>.<Your Username>.repl.co/callback

Run The Project 🌀

if you are using replit just press run button on the top; but if you are using you computer or vps you will find an file cold run.bat open it and jsut wait;

any problim go to developer-support

Made By 🔌
