Finding the routes between two cities on Romania map based on a specific algorithm.
This problem deals with putting N queens on a chess board such that there is no pair queens that threat each other.
Ordering 8 numbers in a 9 tile board.
This problem deals with coloring a map on a 2D plane with 4 colors, such that no adjacent states have the same color.
- France Map
- Australia Map
- Russia Map
- UK Map
- USA Map
- Germany Map
- Iran Map
- Poland Map
- China Map
Just sudoku.
- Breadth First Search
- Depth First Search
- Uniform Cost Search
- Depth Limited Search
- Iterative Depth Search
- Best First Search
- A* Search
- RBFS (coming soon)
- HillClimbing
- Random Restart HillClimbing
- Genetic Algorithm
- Simulated Annealing (still working to improve this one)
- Local Beam Serach
- CSP with MRV & Degree & Forward Checking & AC-3
you need to have python3 and flask library installed when running the code
navigate to the main folder and run python3
in a terminal(Linux & Mac) or cmd(Windows) and open the given link in your browser
all svg maps have been provided from website
and all rights are preserved
the only thing i did was preparing the adjacent list of graphs
the sudoku generator code has been provided from