
Python library to scrape financial data from Casablanca Stock Exchange(Bourse des Valeurs de Casablanca)

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


BVCscrap is a Python library to retrieve data from LeBoursier.ma, which provides data retrieval from up to 74 stocks. BVCscrap allows the user to download historical and intraday data from all the shares traded at Casablanca Stock Exchange.


In order to use BVCscrap you should download the following packages: requests, beautifulsoup4, lxml, json, and datetime.

The outputs of this library are DataFrames, so Pandas should be installed


pip install BVCscrap
import BVCscrap as load


To use this libary there is a notation to respect: names of stocks.

Get the notation

import BVCscrap  as load
 'Afric Indus',
 'Afriquia Gaz',
 'Aluminium Maroc',

Data of one single stock

import BVCscrap  as load
data=load.loadata('Wafa Assur')
              close     high     low    open    vol
2020-10-27	3355	3355	3355	3355	10
2020-11-02	3355	3355	3355	3355	3
2020-11-03	3360	3360	3357	3357	307
2020-11-09	3427	3427	3427	3427	1
2020-11-10	3450	3450	3428	3428	9

Data of many stocks

import BVCscrap  as load
	         BoA	 BCP	BMCI
2020-11-09	140.5	241.90	609.0
2020-11-10	143.0	244.00	608.9
2020-11-11	143.7	241.50	NaN
2020-11-12	143.0	243.80	NaN
2020-11-13	143.7	242.45	610.0

Intraday data

import BVCscrap  as load
09:30	12899.66
09:31	12900.10
09:32	12900.60
09:34	12900.45
09:35	12901.24
...	...
15:12	12975.64
15:14	12976.79
15:17	12976.69
15:18	12978.58
15:30	13019.20

Getting Help

If you are working in Jupyter notebook/lab, you can see the docstring of our functions by using Shift+Tab. An example is shown below

	Load Data 
			Input   | Type                             | Description
			 name   |string                            | You must respect the notation. To see the notation see BVCscrap.notation
	                 start  |string "YYYY-MM-DD"               | starting date Must respect the notation
	                 end    |string "YYYY-MM-DD"               | Must respect the notation
	                 Output | Type                             | Description
	     	                | pandas.DataFrame (4 columns)     | close high low open vol

Question? Contact me on Twitter @AmineAndam or on Linkedin ANDAM AMINE.