DashBoard Frontend

This repository contains the frontend codebase for the full-stack application built with Angular and integrates Angular Materials for UI components. CanvasJS is utilized to generate interactive and visually appealing charts.

Technologies Used

  • Angular
  • Angular Materials
  • CanvasJS (or alternative charting library)
  • HTML, CSS, TypeScript


User Authentication

  • Implements a sign-in/sign-up system.


  • Features a dashboard page with a responsive interfaces.
  • Integrates three types of charts:
    1. Stacked Bar Chart
    2. Pie Chart
    3. Custom Candidate's Choice Chart

DataTable Page

  • Displays a datatable with options to display data.

File Upload Page

  • Allows users to upload files with a simulated transfer in progress.

Minimalist Design

  • Adheres to a minimalist design philosophy for a clean and user-friendly interface.

Third-Party Libraries

  • Utilizes Angular Materials for consistent and customizable UI components.
  • Implements CanvasJS to create dynamic and visually appealing charts.

How to Run Locally

  1. Install Node.js (which includes npm) on your machine.
  2. git clone https://github.com/HamidIdifi/hackathon-InDatacore-frontend.git cd hackathon-InDatacore-frontend
  3. npm install
  4. ng serve