
This is our new version of chatkit

Primary LanguageKotlin


This is our new version of chatkit.


Here we seprate Core Logic and UI sections. You can use it as seprate module into your applications. ChatKitV4 can support all issues and needs related to chat scenarios and all sections that is based on chat like support sections, ticketing section and etc.


ChatKitV4 is hosted on jitpack, you can find all versions on this repository. To get a Git project into your build:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
        repositories {
            maven { url 'https://www.jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.HamidrezaAmz:ChatKitV4:{latest version}'


Before you start using ChatKitV4, you should initialize It's view-model factory in this way:

var chatKitV4ViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, ChatKitV4ViewModelFactory(
                application = application,
                chatId = PublicValue.CHAT_ID

Note 1:

CHAT_ID is a string hash used as Id, this will help us to seprate chats and use this library on more than one chat view

Note 2:

initializeChatKitV4ViewModel() Is a suspend function, so you should call It inside a coroutine scope ;)


We have impelement some interfaces to receive use intractions with chat view and chat messages. If you need to use them, you can use it in this way:



In this version of our ChatKit series, we seprate our UI layer and core layer. we have implement some sort of default UI XML and use it as default chat item UI, but If you want to use your own UI as row items of chat kit you can initialize and overide chat kit xmls. Just use our default ids to make library find and use your custom UI elements.

layout id usage
alpha_text_layout_id This layout reference used for client side text style chat view
alpha_voice_layout_id This layout reference used for client side voice style chat view
beta_text_layout_id This layout reference used for beta side text style chat view
beta_voice_layout_id This layout reference used for beta side voice style chat view


Do not forget to implement ChatKitV4.theme, you can customize each section of ChatKit

    <style name="ChatKitV4.Theme.Custom" parent="ChatKitV4.Theme">
        <item name="alpha_text_layout_id">@layout/alpha_text_layout</item>
        <item name="alpha_voice_layout_id">@layout/alpha_voice_layout</item>
        <item name="beta_text_layout_id">@layout/beta_text_layout</item>
        <item name="beta_voice_layout_id">@layout/beta_voice_layout</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_input_background">@color/lightWhite</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_input_send_button_icon">@drawable/ic_baseline_send_24</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_input_send_button_background">@drawable/shape_circle</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_input_edittext_background">@drawable/shape_rectangle_round_corner</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_input_edittext_hint">@string/chatkitv4_input_hint</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_list_empty_view_icon">@drawable/ic_baseline_shopping_basket_24</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_list_empty_view_icon_color">@color/red</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_list_empty_view_hint">@string/chatkitv4_list_empty_view_hint</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_list_empty_view_hint_color">@color/black</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_list_error_view_icon">@drawable/ic_baseline_sentiment_very_dissatisfied_24</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_list_error_view_icon_color">@color/default_list_error_view_icon_color</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_list_error_view_hint">@string/title_chatkitv4_list_error_view_hint</item>
        <item name="chatkitv4_list_error_view_hint_color">@color/teal</item>