
Battleship is a strategy type guessing game for two players. It is played on ruled grids on which each player's fleet of warships are marked. The locations of the fleets are concealed from the other player.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Battleship 🚢

Screenshot of the Battleship game.


Battleship is a strategy type guessing game for two players. It is played on ruled grids on which each player's fleet of warships are marked. The locations of the fleets are concealed from the other player. Players alternate turns calling "shots" at the other player's ships, and the objective of the game is to destroy the opposing player's fleet. The project is a part of The Odin Project's curriculum. The Odin Project provides a high quality web development education maintained by an open source community.

If you're interested in achieving a fast victory, try using the cheat function in your developer console:


Main Features

  • Drag and Drop: A user can place its ships on the grid using a handy drag-and-drop system.

To Do:

  • Responsive Design
  • Improve Computer Intelligence


The project is built with:

  • HTML
  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • Vanilla CSS


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Git
  • Jest

Covered Topics

This section mentions the main topics covered during project work and prior lessons

  • Test Driven Development
  • Unit Testing
  • Jest
  • Drag and Drop


The computer opponent at the moment is not particularly powerful, and that's the main thing on a to do list for this project. The intelligence of the computer player should be improved by having it try adjacent slots after getting a ‘hit’.


Happy coding!