
Sort a list of numbers using the powerful Merge Sort algorithm.

Primary LanguageCSS

Merge Sort

Screenshot of the Merge Sort app.


Sort a list of numbers using the powerful Merge Sort algorithm. The project is a part of The Odin Project's curriculum. The Odin Project provides a high quality web development education maintained by an open source community.

Main Features

  • Merge Sort: Sort a list of numbers using the powerful Merge Sort algorithm.
  • Responsive Design: The app provides a consistent user experience and a user-friendly interface across various screen sizes.

To Do:

  • Add Other Sorting Algorithms


The project is built with:

  • HTML
  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • Vanilla CSS


  • Visual Studio Code
  • Git

Covered Topics

This section mentions the main topics covered during project work and prior lessons

  • Recursion
  • Algorithms
  • Merge Sort Algorithm
  • Clipboard API

Reflection and resources

In the previous lessons, the main topics were recursion and algorithms, and I found them very fascinating and extremely interesting to work with.

  • This lecture by CS50 provides an excellent conceptual presentation of the Merge Sort algorithm.

  • This visualizer is great for visualizing how the Merge Sort and other algorithms work step by step.


Happy coding!