
Take a txt file of words and create a leaderboard of 100 words, based on the scores for a letter found in letterValues.txt.

Primary LanguagePython

Arrange words by score

This code was created to meet the following brief. This callenge was under timed conditions, completed in 2 hours.

An overview:

Scrabble™ is a long established and popular word game in many different languages.

The object of the game is to build valid words (for this exercise words are valid if they are present in the wordlist.txt file supplied) from a set of letter (tiles) that the player holds.

Each letter carries a different score value based on its frequency in the language. For example in English vowels such as A and E score only 1 point but less frequent letters such as K and J score 5 and 8 points respectively. The score for any particular word is the sum of the values of all the letters that make up the word. So for example: The word 'cabbage' scores C=3 + A=1 + B=3 + B=3 + A=1 + G=2 + E=1 = 14 points. The score values of letters in English are shown in the letterValues.txt file.

The challenge

The objective of this coding challenge is twofold:

  1. To create a leaderboard of the 100 highest scoring words in English based on the words in the wordlist.txt file. Words should be ordered in descending order with the highest scoring first. If several words have the same score they should be ordered alphabetically.

  2. To identify all the valid words that can be created from a supplied starting String of random letters. The length of the random starting String may vary but could be assumed to be in the range of 5-15 characters. Again, words should be ordered in descending order with the highest scoring first. If several words have the same score they should be ordered alphabetically.