
Generate a matrix of predictors corresponding to different behavioral variables and process a regression-based encoding model to obtain the relative contributions of the different behavioral variables to the activity of each neuron

Primary LanguageMATLAB


Ben Engelhard, Princeton University (2019).

This package is provided free without any warranty; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. If this code is used, please cite: B Engelhard et al. Specialized coding of sensory, motor, and cognitive variables in VTA dopamine neurons. Nature, 2019.


Encoding Model

This package preprocesses joint behavioral and neuronal data and then processes it through an encoding model in order to obtain a quantitative measure of the contributions of the behavioral variables to the activity of single neurons, as described in the following paper: B Engelhard et al. Specialized coding of sensory, motor, and cognitive variables in midbrain dopamine neurons. Nature, 2019. Please see the paper for details on the encoding model.

Function list: make_predictor_matrix_generalcase.m process_encoding_model.m find_non_empty_cells.m get_CV_R2.m

Data files list: spline_basis30_int.mat

Instructions: First, the data has to be formatted to be used in the make_predictor_matrix_generalcase function. See the function header for specific details. After the predictor matrix is generated, it can be directly processed with the process_encoding_model function. In order to obtain a measure of significance for the relationship between behavioral variables and the neural activity, the obtained F-statistic for each behavioral variable should then be compared to a distribution of F-statistics obtained from a (reasonably large) number of shuffled data instantiations (i.e. the neural activity shuffled but with the same matrix of predictors).

Notes: Currently, event variables are convolved with a basis set composed of 7 splines and 30 timepoints. If you wish to change this, you may use the following package to generate a different spline basis set: Ramsay JO (2014). fdaM: Functional Data Analysis. MATLAB package, URL http://www. psych.mcgill.ca/misc/fda/downloads/FDAfuns/Matlab/. The generated spline basis set should be named spline_basis and saved in a matfile named 'spline_basis30_int.mat'.