
Monopoly is a board game that can be played with 2 to 8 people. The game passes on the monopoly board. On the Monopoly board are 40 spaces. In the four corners of the board are the space where each player begins, called GO; Free Parking, JAIL, and Go to Jail. Along the sides of the board are properties and businesses for sale. There are 22 properties, 4 railway stations; of which it is possible to build a total of one, two, three, or all four stations, the Electric Company and the Water Works. There are also spaces called Income Tax and Luxury Tax, and Community Chests and Chances. The object of the game is to own as much land (property) and to be the richest person. The highest roll of the dice goes first. Start in the GO square and move clockwise around the board according to the number on the dice. If you land on an available property, you can buy it by paying the banker the price listed on the title. The advantage of owning property is that opponents have to pay you rent when they land on your square. If you buy all of the properties in the same color group, then you have a monopoly, allowing you to charge double the listed rent. Once you have a monopoly, you can start to build houses and eventually a hotel, raising the rent further. Of course, you have to pay rent whenever you land on an opponent's property. A player goes bankrupt when he or she doesn't have enough cash or assets to pay the bank or another player. Players can sell houses and hotels back to the bank for half of their original value but if that doesn't provide enough cash, the bankrupt player forfeits all properties to the bank or an opponent and is out of the game. Have fun :)

Project Group Members:

  • Aziz Ozan Azizoğlu
  • Mert Sayar
  • Gökhan Mullaoğlu
  • Hammad Khan Mustakhel
  • Veli Can Mert

Extra Features:

  • Tutorial for new players
  • Changeable themes
  • A new mechanic: We will put 2 boards in the game and there will be a bridge between them which cost a tax and it will affect systems of the game. The idea is to introduce two different stages to the game. First stage will be first map which includes the initial starting point of the game. However, there will be a second map in which deeds and rents are much more expensive. Main goal of the players will be to reach to the second stage which will be possible with crossing a "bridge". However, players will neeed to spend some effort and money in order to across the bridge. After a fixed number of moves( We did not decide the exact number since we need some trial and error samples), it will be mandatory to advance to the second stage. After it has been mandatory to across the bridge, there will be no passing fee. Players will need to spend the rest of the game in the second stage afterwards. The idea behind this change is that, latecomers to the second stage will be punished with lacking number of deeds and high rents. So, each player should strategize his/her moves so that he/she should pass to the second stage as fast as it can be. Rest of the game will be same as the classic monopoly which will converted to the digital platform. Our initial idea about the game mode is the local multiplayer mode which means multiple players will be able to play Monopoly from one computer. However, if we decide that it would be feasible, we can convert it to the online mode in which players will be able to involve with their computers with an internet access. We will do more brainstorming and we can add/remove some features in the future with parallel to our progress in the project. asd