By Hugo Amorim For Frontend Web Development Course @ Udacity

DESCRIPTION: This is your basic frogger game. The objective is to cross the tiles without getting hit by the bugs.

HOW TO START GAME: Load/Open Index.html

RULES OF THE GAME: • You score 100 everytime you reach the water. • You have 3 lives. • Each time you die/get hit by a bug you loose a life. • After NO Lifes, game is over you Loose all your Accumulated Point.


  • index.htm ---CSS
    • style.css ---Js
    • app.js
    • engine.js
    • resource.js ----images

TO EDIT THESE FILES: You want to modify app.js / and engine.js if so inclined to do so. App.js controls most objects game functions while the engine js renders the game, and lastly resource caches the images that don't need to be replaced.